Clinical definitions of alcoholism
Use of alcohol is widely accepted in South African culture. Drinking to relax after a long day or loosening up at a party is often encouraged by family and peers alike. But the border between use and abuse is so ill-defined that it is difficult to determine if alcohol was a problem. There are many definitions of abuse of alcohol.
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Alcoholism is the inability to stop using alcohol despite social and personal consequences. Alcoholics crave physical alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms begin shortly after the high wears off.
Heavy drinking
A heavy drinking does not intend to get drunk. In this case, drink more of a ritual or habit. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention define heavy drinking as a man who drink more than two alcoholic drinks a day, or a woman who has more than one a day. Heavy drinking can damage the body as much as alcoholism.
Binge Drinking
A binge drinkers do not drink on a regular basis, but the drinks to be drunk. Binge drinking will continue to drink well after he’s drunk. Alcohol poisoning is common among binge drinkers.
Alcohol abuse
Alcohol abuse is the abuse of alcohol without the physical symptoms of alcoholism. For example abusing an underage person to drink alcohol; this person is breaking the law, but will not experience alcohol withdrawal.
Adverse effects of alcoholism
Each type of alcoholism presents problems. Health problems comprises hangover, cirrhosis of liver and pancreas diseases. Social impacts include embarrassment, loss of employment and legal problems. Death is often a consequence of alcoholism. Driving drunk makes death and serious injury a problem for the whole Community.
Alcoholism is a disease
US Department of Health defines alcohol abuse, also known as alcohol dependence and alcoholism, as a disorder characterised by four symptoms:
Forced to drink the inability to restrict the intake of alcohol leading to a physical dependence, as evidenced by withdrawal symptoms when drinking is stopped, or the need to drink greater amounts of alcohol to maintain the effect due to the increased tolerance. In some chronic alcoholics, end-stage liver disease produces a “reverse tolerance” where consumption of small amounts of alcohol produce severe physical illness.
Most people suffering from alcohol addiction can not restore unaided. Alcoholism is a progressive disorder. Even after years of sobriety, a drink lead to full-blown addiction yet.
Alcohol abusers often deny they have a problem, which makes them dependent on other drugs. Families and friends can get support and advice for themselves and can plan an intervention to confront drink with the many consequences of her addiction. Interventions are most effective when facilitated by a professional in the field of alcoholism.
Moderation vs abstinence
Moderation Management ( is a Programme designed to help problem drinkers, not alcoholics learn to control drinking. After a 30-day period of abstinence, no more than four drinks a day and no more than 14 drinks per week is allowed for men and women is limited to three drinks a day and nine drinks per week.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), widely considered to be the most effective solution for those suffering from alcoholism, requires a desire to stop drinking from anyone who wishes to join. Meetings are free and available in most US cities.
Alcohol addicts can be medically stabilised
Withdrawal from alcohol can be serious and even life-threatening, especially in the first week. Hallucinations, tremors, convulsions, anxiety and changes in heart rate and blood pressure are not uncommon. For short-term use of sedatives may be needed, and access to a hospital or detox facility is advisable.
A spiritual solution
The Programme of Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism.
A person who wants to stop drinking should avoid people, places and things associated with alcohol and create new friendships with others who do not drink. Sponsorship and the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous offers guidance in the form of proposed actions that may relieve the compulsion to drink. The steps include admitting there is a problem, ask for help from a higher power, and to take an inventory of the circumstances surrounding the drinking habits.
Although God is mentioned often in AA literature, many agnostics and atheists achieved success in Alcoholics Anonymous. The scholarship is non-denominational.
A complex condition
South African Society of Medicine dependence defines alcoholism as “a primary chronic disease with genetic, environmental and psychosocial factors that affect the development and its manifestations.” Each case of alcohol dependence are different. Some become addicted the first time they drink, and for others it takes years to become clinically dependent. Recovery depends on a willingness to help, can only develop as a result of devastating social and physical consequences. Well-meaning family members often try to cover up or prevent the consequences that drinking causes only prolong the problem and damage relationships.
Alcoholics are more likely to seek help and remain sober if family members also receive training and treatment, because changing attitudes support recovery. Al-Anon is a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who offer such help. Most directories have listings for Al-anon meetings.
Alcoholism or problem drinking?
Alcoholism is a serious, debilitating disorder that literally destroys lives. The problem drinkers are those whose alcoholism has affected their lives, causing unwanted problems in most or all areas of their lives. The nature of alcohol abuse often means there are underlying unresolved issues plaguing problem drinking.
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The problem drinkers are often in denial of their problems, and as a result can be very stubborn and temperamental on the subject of their drinking, even when sober. Generally, mild mannered problem drinkers also quick to anger with very little provocation, depending on the stress level of the situation. Worst-case scenarios, the problem drinkers become extremely violent and nearly uncontrollable if they drink to the point of waking blackout (capable of physical action with little to no mental consciousness or inhibition).
Although both types are abusers of alcohol is one of the main differences between a problem drinking and a functioning alcoholic former frequent inability to maintain her professional obligations, including regular attendance and quality of work. As a result, the problem drinker known to slip from job to job due to lack of focus, or even termination. But many problem drinkers are intelligent and fully capable to hold down jobs when they confronted their problem and seek help accordingly.
Alcohol abuse go far beyond social drinking, which is the controlled drinking alcohol in social settings that are not made solely with binging or extreme intoxication. Although accuracy is blood alcohol level depending on factors such as weight, sex, body fat and height, problem drinkers are rarely able to make it through a day without having more (usually more than five) drinks, leading to legal intoxication. Because tolerance increases the more one drinks, the frequency with which a problem drinkers to imbibe too.
Relationships and family
Problem drinkers often have difficulty maintaining close ties to family and friends. This may be a result of latent shame of their alcohol abuse, or simply avoiding any possibility of a loved one to see how bad their addiction has become. The continued abuse of alcohol can even cause problem drinkers to steal money and other valuable items from friends and family to fuel their addiction. In many cases become problem drinkers for intervention by family members and a substance abuse professional, although some family members actually exacerbate the problem by actively activating a drink alcohol.
Health effects
Both long-term and short-term alcohol abuse can manifest in a problem drinking health. Short-term side effects may include dehydration, nausea, alcohol poisoning and temporary loss of motor coordination (power failure). Long-term effects of problem drinking may include cirrhosis of liver, substantial weight gain or loss, severe depression and the decline in overall oral health.
Alcohol just affect not problem drinkers well-being, but put others around them at risk. This is especially true if the problem drinkers are exposed to violent outbursts, or drive a car or operate other heavy machinery while intoxicated. If you suspect you or someone you know to be a problem drinker, do not wait for tragedy to occur before taking action. Talk to a doctor or mental health professional or seek help through AA or Al-Anon / Alateen Support Group (See Resources for some links).
Physical effects of alcohol dependence
Alcohol dependence, also known as alcoholism is a condition that describes a person who regularly consume alcohol, despite showing physical symptoms as withdrawal and high tolerance. In addition to causing family, social and behavioral problems, alcoholism can cause long-term and irreversible damage to the body.
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Liver Damage
When too much alcohol is consumed too quickly, the liver has a difficult time keeping. The liver metabolizes alcohol, releases toxins and free radicals that can damage the liver cells. Long-term use of alcohol can lead to alcohol-induced diseases such as alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis. Constant inflammation of the liver and the damaging effects of alcohol on the liver cells can cause scarring of the liver tissue. The liver is no longer able to perform its normal functions which make proteins, help fight infections, clean the blood that help digest food and store energy. Alcohol-induced liver disease and cirrhosis are the leading causes of death in alcoholics.
The stomach damage
Alcohol increases the amount of acid in the stomach, which over time can lead to peptic ulcers, gastritis and intestinal ulcers. Alcohol and vomiting that often accompanies its abuse can also damage the mucous membrane that protects the esophagus, which can lead to acid reflux or in severe cases, esophageal bleeding.
Brain Damage
The immediate effects of alcohol on the brain are obvious and can be seen clearly when a person is intoxicated. An intoxicated person may experience slurred speech, blurred vision, impaired memory, loss of balance, and slower reaction time. Alcoholics may experience frequent blackouts and memory lapses when you drink heavily. Long-term use of alcohol can cause permanent damage, killing tens of thousands of brain cells with each episode. Alcoholics can develop long-term learning difficulties, loss of cognitive skills and memory loss.
Withdrawal symptoms
Less than 24 hours after drinking, alcoholics may begin to show signs of withdrawal. Physical symptoms include nausea, headache, insomnia, uncontrollable shaking or tremors and increased heart rate. The more dangerous symptoms of severe alcohol withdrawal seizures, alcoholic hallucinations and delirium. Revocation may also cause anxiety, restlessness, decreased mental ability, violent behavior and irritability. In case of serious alcoholics, withdrawal should be monitored under medical treatment and can take up to a month.
Alcohol & cirrhosis
Alcoholic cirrhosis is the most severe form of alcohol-induced liver disease and is the leading cause of death among chronic alcoholics. Cirrhosis of the liver is the replacement of normal liver tissue with scar tissue. Drinking heavily is the most common cause of cirrhosis.
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Alcoholic cirrhosis usually occurs after years of heavy drinking. For some people, it can develop in a short period. Cirrhosis impaired liver slowly. Since scar tissue replaces healthy tissue, partially blocked the flow of blood through the liver. A healthy liver is able to regenerate. As cirrhosis progresses, the liver becomes more ill, and it loses the ability to effectively replace damaged cells.
Hepatic function
The liver is one of the largest and most complex organ in the body. It deals with proteins and enzymes. It helps the body digest fats and break down cholesterol. It removes toxins from the blood. If you drink a lot and develop cirrhosis, the liver is unable to perform these vital functions.
Alcohol and liver disease
Drink moderately usually do not cause liver damage. But drink large amounts over several years almost always causes damage to the liver. The amount necessary to damage the liver varies from one individual to the next, but usually consuming three or more drinks a day can cause liver damage.
There are three types of alcohol-induced liver disease. First called fatty liver. This is marked by an accumulation of fat cells in the liver and is seen in almost all chronic drinkers. As drinking progresses, it causes an inflammation of the liver known as alcoholic hepatitis. If you develop alcoholic hepatitis, you may experience nausea, vomiting, jaundice, loss of appetite and abdominal pain. At this stage, liver damage reversible if you stop drinking. Continued drinking can lead to cirrhosis or a buildup of scar tissue. Damage to the liver from cirrhosis can not be reversed. Although alcoholic cirrhosis is often chronic and fatal, it can stabilize if you abstain from alcohol.
Prevention / Solution
If you have cirrhosis, it is urgent that you quit drinking. Your doctor may recommend that you follow a special diet or add vitamin supplements to help your damaged liver. In advanced cases of cirrhosis, the only treatment be a transplant. You will not be eligible for a transplant if you are actively abusing alcohol. Your doctor may recommend that you participate in an alcoholism recovery program.
Liver damage caused by alcohol
People with liver problems or those on certain medications should avoid drinking alcohol, although alcohol is not the cause of their liver problems. Most people, however, consume an alcoholic beverage every day without fear of causing damage to the liver. Because of the role the liver plays in the treatment of alcohol, heavy drinking risk causing the potentially extensive liver damage. Women are more likely to experience liver problems associated with alcohol consumption because it takes less alcohol to affect their bodies.
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Types of liver problems
Drunkenness can cause a person to develop fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis. Some people with alcohol problems will have all three of these issues.
alcoholic Hepatitis
As many as 35 percent of people who drink much experience alcoholic hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver caused by alcohol consumption. This condition may cause abdominal pain, fever and jaundice, and are not always reversible.
Related problems
Liver disease caused by alcoholism can eventually lead to esophageal bleeding, spleen enlargement, kidney failure, liver cancer and coma.
Cirrhosis of the numbers
The national digestive system Diseases Information Clearinghouse reports that cirrhosis is responsible for 27,000 deaths per year.
Cirrhosis symptoms
The symptoms of cirrhosis of liver include fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, vomiting, weight loss, itching and painful abdominal bloating.
Treatment of alcohol-related liver diseases can not begin before the patient stops drinking. Medications can be used to treat liver problems with special diets that contain many of the nutrients and minerals living needs. A liver transplant may be necessary if the situation is severe, patients still struggle with alcoholism is not, however, likely to be approved as a donated organ recipients.
High blood pressure and alcohol
Drinking alcohol can have both a positive and negative effect on blood pressure. It all depends on the amount. Studies show that drinking large amounts of alcohol can increase blood pressure to unhealthy levels that can have life-threatening consequences. However, research also suggests to drink alcohol in small amounts can stabilize blood pressure and actually protect against heart disease and stroke.
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Expert insights
The Mayo Clinic reports that even heavy drinkers who cut back to moderate amounts of alcohol can lower their systolic blood pressure, the first number in a blood pressure reading that detects the contraction of the heart when blood is pumped into the arteries. Persons with high blood pressure should avoid alcohol or keeping it for moderation. Alcohol can affect the effectiveness of some blood pressure medications and increase the possibility of side effects.
Moderation is considered two drinks a day for men under 65 and a drink for over 65 years. Moderate consumption is generally defined as one drink a day for women of all ages. A drink is 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits. It seems, however, that alcohol consumption is declining in many areas of the world due to health concerns. France remains the largest consumer of alcohol, but research shows it is on the decline throughout the country.
Prevention / Solution
Even if you do not have high blood pressure, alcohol should still held moderation or avoided. Calories in alcohol can contribute to weight gain, which is a risk factor for high blood pressure. In moderation, alcohol is known to increase appetite, so you can put on extra pounds just to satisfy your taste buds. If you must drink, it’s a good idea to drink plenty of water after consuming alcohol to clean your system of excess acids.
Studies of high blood pressure and alcohol makes it clear that there can be a big difference in the way you drink. Moderate consumption can reduce your risk of developing heart disease and stroke and of dying from a heart attack. It can even lower risk of developing diabetes. Excessive drinking can lead to high blood pressure, heart muscle damage, stroke and sudden death in people with cardiovascular disease. This is in addition to increasing the risk of several cancers, cirrhosis of liver, abortion, fetal alcohol syndrome in unborn children and suicide.
For people who are not as healthy or older, noted special care when thinking of an alcoholic beverage. Alcohol can cause a narrowing of the blood of these people. This can be a cause of high blood pressure, even when taken in moderation.
Short-term effects of alcohol consumption?
A few short-term physiological effects are often associated with alcohol consumption. While everyone will experience the effects of alcohol in a distinctive way, drink relaxes inhibitions, impairs speech and mobility and travel pulse. If too much alcohol is consumed, you may experience dizziness, nausea and vomiting. These short-term effects are some of the many reasons you should stay out of the driver’s seat after drinking.
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The path to the alcohol
Partnership for a drug-free America points out that alcohol’s effects vary depending on age, weight, sex and tolerance. When you consume alcohol goes into your stomach and then absorbed into the blood stream where it travels throughout your body and in your other tissues.
Loss of inhibitions
Relaxation of inhibitions is effective immediately felt by many drinkers. Alcohol can cloud judgment, even in small quantities. Consumed more alcohol drinkers may continue to shed their senses of caution. This can lead to dangerous consequences that drinking may act without thinking in a way that may cause harm.
Expression and mobility
According to a partnership for a drug-free America is impaired speech and talkativeness signs of moderate alcohol intake. In the short term, alcohol also affect your coordination and mobility. You may have trouble walking in a straight line or filling out a simple manual task. You may experience dizziness. This effect of coordination may make drunk driving particularly hazardous.
Cardiovascular System
According to the South African Heart Association, drinking an excess of alcohol increase heart rate and blood pressure drink. On the other hand, those who drink moderate amounts have a lower risk of heart disease than non-drinkers. Talk to your doctor about safe drinking and your heart.
Nausea and vomiting
If you consume too much alcohol, you may feel nausea. Vomiting may occur when your body tries to rid itself of this toxic substance. Vomiting can be dangerous if drinking is asleep or passed out. When it is, presents vomit a choking hazard.
Effects of alcohol and caffeine on hydration in the body
Hydration is mainly, the total content of fluid in the body. To function properly, the body needs to maintain a minimum hydration. The traditional wisdom is that caffeine and alcohol consumption results in dehydration
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The theory is that both act as diuretics, which increase urine production. This excess urine production is believed to cause the body to lose more fluid than it is to take with alcohol or caffeine.
MSNBC reports that the research conducted at the University of Connecticut shows that although caffeine exert a diuretic effect on the body, it appears that moderate consumption (about 3 cups of coffee) have little or no effect on overall hydration.
Alcohol consumption, on the other hand has a common ground drying effect. It slows down the rate of rehydration while increasing the total urination, and tend to lead to a net loss of hydration.
The overall drying effect is relative with respect to the dose, and more alcohol will worsen dehydration. The same can be the case with caffeine, but little clinical research has been done with large amounts of caffeine intake.
Research on the minimum diuretic effect of caffeine in moderate doses is not universally accepted by medical professionals and is still a matter of debate.
Effects of alcohol
Almost everyone has had a drink or two to help escape the stress of a bad day and relax. In small amounts alcohol gives a mild euphoria and removes inhibitions. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption may have serious permanent and debilitating consequences, leading to addiction, brain, disease, and physical danger to those around drinking.
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Effects on the brain
The short term effects of drinking a few alcoholic drinks are well documented. Drinking leads to slurred speech, blurred slower reaction times, unsteady walking, vision and memory lapses or blackouts. One of the possible effects of long-term heavy drinking is the shrinking of the brain. Alcohol-related liver disease causes damage to the brain and can lead to hepatic encephalopathy, a brain disease that is often fatal.
Other physical effects
Consume a large amount of alcohol in a short time causing alcohol poisoning. Other immediate effects include dehydration and sexual dysfunction (such as erectile dysfunction). Long-term heavy drinking also damages the liver and can leave it unable to break down alcohol and clean it from the body. Alcoholism has also been linked to various cancers of the stomach, rectum, throat, liver, colon, larynx, kidney and esophagus.
Social impacts
Drink before getting behind the wheel of a vehicle is dangerous to make the driver a danger not only to themselves but to other motorists and pedestrians along the route. When social drinking cross the line and become alcoholism, it begins to have an effect on the drinker’s family, friends and colleagues. Drunkenness often destroys relationships and leads to spousal abuse, child abuse and broken, dysfunctional homes. Alcoholism promotes codependent behavior of others, or the inability to have healthy fulfilling relationships.
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
Drinking while pregnant causes developmental problems for the fetus. Children with FAS are usually smaller than average and may have different facial features, small eyes, short nose and a smaller than average mid-face area. It is possible to have fewer brain cells, leading to lifelong problems in learning and behavior.
The effects of alcohol for young people
Young people who regularly consume alcohol poses a risk to both youth and society. Effects of alcohol consumption affect negatively memory performance, increase promiscuity and pose a danger to the community by increasing traffic accidents and juvenile delinquency. Young people who drink also have a higher chance of adult alcohol dependence.
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Neurological effects
Alcohol has a big impact on the brain of a teenager. Because an adolescent brain is not fully developed, drinking alcohol may lead to structural brain damage that can impair the ability to recall information, solve problems and get information. Alcohol consumption in adolescents may also damage the frontal limbic system, which can lead to poor self-control and decision making, aggressive behavior and lack of respect for morals and values.
Future alcohol addiction
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that young people who start drinking before the age of 15 are four times more likely to develop alcoholism than people who began drinking at age 21 or older. This statistic is especially true for young people who have a family history of alcohol dependence.
Drunk driving
Forty percent of all fatal accidents involving alcohol is because of young people drinking and driving. Young people may lack the proper judgment to determine they are too drunk to drive or fear call home for a ride. Alcohol-related crashes are the leading cause of death among young people.
The third leading cause of death among young people is suicide. Alcohol causes chemical imbalances in the brain. The chemical imbalances can cause stress and depression, which is a major contributing factor to suicide.
High Risk Sex
High-risk sex is the act of having unprotected sex or having sex with multiple partners. Have high-risk sex contributes to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Young people who consume large amounts of alcohol suffer from impaired judgment, which increases the likelihood of participating in high-risk sex. In addition, young people are more likely to be forced to participate in sexual activity under the influence of alcohol.
Drinking is widespread in the US; Most teens have tried alcohol, when they’re a senior in high school. Several factors are at play, why alcohol is so prevalent among teenagers. Adolescents and parents should understand the dangerous effects of this illegal behavior. A 2006 report from the US Department of Health and Human Services reveals that 5,000 underage drinkers die annually.
Environmental causes
Young people spend a significant amount of time with their peers, influencing their behavior. They can drink because it makes them feel popular or cool. Teens can also get access to alcohol at parties or hanging out with older people. In fact, teenage girls are more likely to drink alcohol if they are dating an older man, according to the federal 2006 report on drinking. Media advertising for alcohol is also still present in the environment. Companies develop memorable ad campaigns showing how fun to drink alcohol can be. TRU survey conducted in 2002 showed that teenagers chose beer ads as their favorite TV commercials.
Developmental causes
Brain development during the teenage years is unfinished and can play a role in drinking. Understanding the links between actions and consequences are not fully developed during this age. Additionally, changes in brain development during adolescence play a role in why teens pursue risky behavior and take pleasure in alcohol’s effects on the body. Teenagers can often tolerate more alcohol than adults before feeling its effects, further explains why binge drinking occurs in this age group.
Effects on behavior
Drinking puts teens at greater risk for a number of high-risk activities. Alcohol not only plays a role in teen suicide and vehicular mortality, but also in sexual health, according to a 2003 report from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. They are more likely to have unprotected sex and have multiple partners, resulting in high risk of sexually transmitted infections and pregnancies. Alcohol can also increase a teen’s chances of being sexually assaulted.
Side effects cognitive and mental
The effects of alcohol on the brain are significant. Drinking can negatively affect the important brain development occurs during adolescence. Even less cognitive effects can have a significant impact on young people’s ability to do well in school and in their careers. Alcohol may even alter brain structure of this age, affecting memory and learning ability. These impairments can last into adulthood, although alcohol use is discontinued.
Genetic alcoholism
Studies of the genetic causes of alcoholism is still ongoing, but suggest that an alcoholic family members can be genetically predisposed to alcoholism itself. Whether you are an alcoholic, your genetics make you more vulnerable. Knowing the facts about the condition gives you the tools to confront issues, so you can keep your life on track without succumbing to condition yourself.
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More Info
Learn about alcoholism; in many cases, genetics just a contributing factor. Look for things like a social atmosphere that encourages drinking, emotional trauma that can push you to drink, or stress at home or work that apparently requires alcohol to remedy. Such factors may always be present, but if you are genetically linked to an alcoholic, you should be doubly aware of them.
- Make healthy Hobbies and activities to help fill your day. Exercise is easy and good for you, while passions like painting or fly fishing give you an outlet for positive emotions. If possible use a fixed schedule to structure them and plan to engage in them during times When you may be tempted to drink.
- Stop blaming yourself. No one can be responsible for the genes they were born with. Self-recrimination can lead to a deep sense of shame, which in turn can increase the chances of turning to alcohol.
- No one can be responsible for the genes they were born with and an alcoholic family member will almost certainly still drink if you were not there. Self-recrimination can lead to a deep sense of shame, which in turn can increase the chances of turning to alcohol.
- Be aware of the psychological toll of your condition. Children of alcoholics may be more prone to depression and anxiety, even if they do not drink. Take care of yourself emotionally and speak with a trained therapist about your condition, if you feel it may entice you to drink.
- Talk to people you trust about your condition. This can include friends, mentors and family members whom you feel close. Be open and honest about your feelings and ask them for their support. This is especially true with people who may be around you in social situations where liquor is available. If they know about your concerns, they may refrain from pressure on you and help you keep an even keel, if you are tempted.
After the effects of alcohol on mood
Alcohol is a festive drink and in some cases may even be beneficial to your health. However, if not used in moderation, it can have negative psychological and emotional consequences. Drinking alcohol can increase the intensity of a feeling you are already experiencing, says Dr. Bill Boggan website Chem cases. When you stop drinking, the chemicals in the brain also cause other effects on mood.
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Drinking a glass of wine before bed is often suggested that those who are too anxious to sleep. In fact, alcohol is a depressant and will give you a relaxed feeling. But if you often use alcohol to discourage your fear, you actually create an unhealthy cycle that drinking alcohol causes lactate to rise in the blood, creating intense anxiety after drinking has stopped. Because of this turn you easily back for another glass of alcohol, promoting alcohol trap.
When a person realizes that they have been caught in the vicious cycle of alcohol addiction, it can cause a feeling of hopelessness and despair, which eventually turns into a depressed state. According reduces alcohol levels of an important brain chemical, serotonin, which is a mood elevator. When serotonin levels are depleted, this leads to depression.
Anger or aggression
Alcohol often reveals hidden emotions. If the after-effects of a long night of drinking does not cause anxiety or depression, and there is an undercurrent of anger, it can be exaggerated and turn into aggression. Alcohol depresses the central nervous cysteine, which can cause moods and emotions to be deranged. If the effect of anxiety are unhappy with some personality types, it can turn into anger.
How to recognize an alcohol abuser
Alcohol abuse is a widespread disorder and addiction in our society. Alcohol is one of the main causes of serious accidents and injuries in all age groups leading to many life-threatening and serious medical conditions including death. Alcohol is a depressant drug causes slowing of all mental abilities and motor actions in the body. It affects hand-eye coordination, lowers the body’s reactions and judgments situations. A chronic long-term alcoholic addict will cause permanent damage to the central nervous system, causing seizures, black outs, and permanent loss of memory. Alcohol poisoning can also affect the psychological state of the abuser causes them to become more aggressive and unpredictable behavior, combative and in some cases, psychotic and paranoid. This article will help you to look for signs and symptoms of a potential abuse alcohol and help them to seek medical help for their addiction.
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There is a simple test to help you assess whether the person who could abuse alcohol. It is called the CAGE test. Each letter in the word represents a question that you ask the suspect.
Have you ever felt you should CUT DOWN on your drinking?
Have people ANNOYED you by criticizing your drinking?
Have you ever felt bad or GUILTY about your drinking?
Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover (EYE OPENER)?
Subject answer to the cage is scored 0 or 1, with a higher score indicating alcohol problems. A total score of 2 or more is considered to be clinically significant.
In emergency situations, if you suspect that person is an alcoholic abuser and they have suffered an injury or have an overdose of alcohol there are certain signs and symptoms to look for and simple protocols that you can manage to help reduce the risk of long-term consequences and or even death to the victim. The first thing to do is assess ABC to see if the person requiring treatment, ie, control the airway, breathing and circulation of the victim and see if they are stabile.Næste quick call EMS or paramedic. If the person is very unstable assign someone call EMS immediately while you attend to the victim.
Look to see if the victim suffered any damage to the body. If you suspect they have damage to the spinal cord, try not to move the victim until paramedics (EMS) arrive.
If the person is vomiting, then place them in the recovery position, ie, turn the person on his or left side, so that this will prevent any risk of regurgitation or asphyxiation from vomiting as well as allows fluid to drain out of the mouth.
In most cases alcohol abusers behavior can be very unpredictable so it is always advisable to keep a certain distance or prepare an escape route in case he becomes violent, aggressive and dangerous. Even if you want to help someone who is injured in the event of alcoholic addicts, your safety will also be a prime concern and protection for oneself is very important. If the person is a danger to himself and others call the police immediately while waiting for EMS to arrive.
Look for evidence of other drug use besides alcohol poisoning. Most alcoholics abuse usually also other types of drugs in addition to alcohol. See if you can find empty medicine bottles or containers lying around or in medicine cabinets. The multiple effects of alcohol and drugs can be deadly and in most cases death due to cardiac arrest or respiratory depression. Call EMS immediately if you suspect vicitm have an overdose of these drugs.
Alcohol is a depressant and also has the effect of lowering the body’s core temperature by 1-2 degree causes the person to become hypothermic. Cover the person with a warm blanket or clothing until paramedics arrive or if possible remove to a warmer area (donot Remove victim if you suspect any signs of spinal injury).
Some chronic alcohol abusers shape will suffer withdrawal symptoms from alcohol 12 to 24 hours after the last drink. The common signs are tremors, sleeplessness, loss of appetite. The person must go and seek medical help to help them address and treat these problems. In some severe cases, some users have the condition relating to chronic alcohol abuse known as DTS, or delirium tremens. This usually occurs 4-6 days after the last drink. Signs of DT are tremors, fever, hallucinations, disorientation and formication (which is described most often as sensations of ‘creepy crawly bugs throughout the body. “This is a medical emergency and the person should get immediate medical attention.
Tips & Warnings
- There are many places and local health form information services, clinics, hospitals, AA centers, rehabilitation centres who have information, education, courses to provide support and help for alcohol dependency.
- Look at the AA website at;
- AL-Anon / Alateen is a worldwide organization that offers self-help recovery Programme for families and friends of alcoholics. website at:
- Search National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information. You can get all your questions answered about tobacco, alcohol and drugs on this site. Check out the website: www. health .org
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) is another excellent site to research and gather information on this specific topic. You can also see the latest research and clinical trials are being done addressing alcohol, tobacco and drugs. See website at:
- This article is written for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment from your own doctor.
Effects of alcoholism
Alcoholism is a disorder in which a person’s body is dependent on alcohol. Alcoholics have a compulsion to consume alcohol, suffer from the inability in many cases to stop drinking once they start, and acquire a physical dependence on alcohol, which causes withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop drinking. Alcoholism creates a tolerance for alcohol, which forces individuals to consume more and more to reach the sensation they crave from drinking. There are many physical, mental and social impacts resulting from alcoholism.
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Psychiatric effects
Alcoholism brings with it a wide range of psychological effects. A person suffering from this condition can not remember talking to anyone or forgetting appointments. He may lose any interest in activities that were previously very entertaining. An alcoholic can become irritated and irritable when her drinking habits are questioned and becomes more and more angry when they drink routine is interrupted. Alcoholism is closely associated with such mental disorders as depression, low self-esteem, bipolar disorder, sleep problems and anxiety-related problems. Brain cells can be killed by the effects of alcohol, with a condition called “wet brain” end product of alcoholism for some people. Severe memory loss and the gradual decline in mental processes can lead to serious degradation of this particular effect of alcoholism.
Social impacts
The ramifications of alcoholism on the social scale are huge. Alcoholism contributes to as many as half of all traffic related deaths in the United States according to the Mayo Clinic. Loss of life, loss of freedom, or at least the loss of driving privileges stem from alcoholism related driving accidents and arrests. These legal problems are bad enough, but alcoholism can cause a person to lose a job, making him dependent on others, resulting in broken relationships. Alcoholism may be precipitated abuse in relationships, with such violence, resulting in separation from a material other. Suicide is also a by-product of alcoholism in many cases.
Effects on liver
Drunkenness is a major cause of serious liver disorders. Alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis are both conditions that cause the liver loses its ability to function properly. Symptoms such as loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, fever and loss of mental capacity, may occur. Alcoholic hepatitis excites the liver and can lead to cirrhosis, a disease in which the liver becomes so scarred that is not enough healthy tissue back into the organ to work properly. Both are potentially fatal diseases.
Effects on Major organs
When a person is an alcoholic, he is vulnerable to gastrointestinal disorders. Alcohol can inflame the stomach lining and make it difficult to absorb certain vitamins. The pancreas can be extensively damaged by alcoholism, resulting in a big problem because it produces hormones that are essential for digestion and metabolism. Diabetic patients with a drinking problem risk as low blood sugar alcohol affects the release of glucose from the liver. Drinking in excess can lead to high blood pressure and injure the cardiovascular system, the precipitate stroke or heart failure.
Other physical effects
Alcoholism in men have been found to result in erectile dysfunction. In women, it can affect the menstrual cycle. Pregnant women to drink put their unborn child at risk way from a condition called fetal alcohol syndrome that causes birth defects and developmental problems. Thinning bones, making fractures more likely to occur have been linked to alcoholism. Neurological disorders such as dementia and tingling sensations in the feet and hands, caused by alcoholism in some individuals. The risk of certain types of cancer is increased in alcoholism, cancer of the mouth, liver and colon among those that may be a result of the disease.
How quickly the body can metabolize alcohol?
Barroom The general rule of thumb is that an average person can process about a beer or a shot of spirits every hour. More than alcohol collects in the bloodstream and drunkenness ensues. But although generally applicable to all, several factors contribute to the speed at which alcohol is metabolized in the body, from sex and size genetics and frequency of drinking, making everyone’s speed a little different. The contents of the stomach and the health and efficiency of the liver, the main organ of alcohol metabolism, will also determine the speed.
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Alcohol in the stomach
All food and beverages consumed starts to get into the bloodstream in the small intestine, so naturally a full stomach will slow the rate at which the alcohol reaches the blood. While this will make the effects of alcohol more gradual, it also increases the time until the alcohol is metabolized efficiently. Food of high fat content, or combinations of different types of foods like carbohydrates and protein, increase the time it takes for alcohol to leave the stomach and be absorbed. And although the liver does most of the work metabolic alcohol, the process begins in the stomach with an enzyme called ADH. Women have less ADH activity in their stomachs, which means that more of the alcohol that reaches the bloodstream.
Alcohol and liver
When the alcohol reaches the blood is generally metabolized at a rate på.015 of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) every hour. However, because the BAC is a measure of the proportion, it will take several drinks to make a larger individual reach a given blood alcohol concentration and the amount of alcohol that is metabolized to maintain en.015 per hour is also større.Omkring 10 percent of alcohol leaves the body through the breath, sweat and urine. Almost all the rest is metabolized in the liver. The usual fuel for liver cells are fatty acids, but in the presence of alcohol liver will change his diet to prevent a damaging accumulation of alcohol will damage other cells and organs. There is some evidence that regular alcohol intake makes the process more effective to a point, to create a tolerance, even, in the long run, metabolic alcohol permanently changing liver cells and reduces their ability to perform normal functions and metabolic alcohol. The accumulation of unused fatty acids may lead to cirrhosis, or fatty liver and even liver failure.
Cures for alcohol dependence
An alcohol addiction is an addiction is one that is a lifelong struggle that is hard-fought. There is no instant cure for the disorder, only treatment for those who are willing to participate. When different methods of treatments have been performed, continues recovery process. It is a process that some struggling more than others; It is one that never has an end. An addiction alcoholism is not hopeless though – there are plenty of support groups and programs to help a recovering alcoholic stay sober.
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Introduction of a treatment Programme is the first step in recovery. But the first step is often the hardest. The addict must first be first to admit he has a problem with alcohol. When he starts an application, it will take time for both his mind and body to heal; dependence is as much mental as physical. The intensity of the physical cravings can be overwhelming, and depression can creep in and take over. Without the right support and the kind of treatment it is likely that the addict will relapse.
There are different types of alcohol rehabilitation of drug addicts, each directed to the severity of the alcoholic dependency. The most commonly used types of rehab is detoxification, rehabilitation centres and outpatient rehab. Apart from these, there are also a variety of support groups for alcoholics and her family.
This type of treatment is considered to be the first step in any alcoholics overcome their addiction. It is a crucial piece of the puzzle for the patient to be successfully rehabilitated. It normally takes place in a stationary medical facilities, such as a hospital or rehabilitation center so the patient can be monitored and helped through his withdrawal symptoms. Severity and length of time the alcoholic experiences his symptoms depends on how long he abused alcohol and how heavy his use was. But during rehab, there are medications available to help relieve the symptoms.
Residential Rehab
Residential rehab programs provide a dormitory-like setting for those trying to recover from their addiction, as well as round the clock care. This is a wonderful option for people who need to focus on their addiction and recovery without the influence of the outside world and people in it. They are designed for people with moderate to severe addiction.
They offer both individual and group therapy. The goal of these counseling sessions is to teach relapse prevention, educate alcoholic about alcoholism and find out what an addict personal triggers are on her addiction and how she must fight these triggers.
The average stay in a rehab center is between 45 and 90 days. At the end, counselors usually created a recovering addict in an after care Programme which provides ongoing support when he has found the temptations of the outside world again.
Outpatient alcohol rehabilitation
This treatment is a great option for those who are head of their households and to work or school. These addicts participate in general meetings all day and is home during the evening. This is for those who have reached a level of life-threatening addiction or who have completed a Programme through a rehabilitation center. It provides ongoing support through individual and group therapy and is a great support, especially when recovering alcoholic may have days of weakness.
Low Income alcohol rehab centers
Recovery from alcohol abuse and dependence oftentimes requires access to a medically supervised alcohol rehabilitation center. The reality is that the costs of alcohol detox can be significant in the private sector. Therefore, there are some low-income alcohol rehab centres available in many communities across the United States today.
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Before the 1980s in many communities across the United States, was the only option for an economically disadvantaged person had to rehab the so-called drunk tank at the local jail. In fact, the concept of the need for alcohol detoxification of relatively recent origin. Beginning in the 1980s, established a growing number of communities different types of low-income rehab centers. These centres were established both not-for-profit organizations and government agencies.
The primary functions of low income alcohol rehab centres is threefold. The primary function is to allow a person to go through the initial stages of withdrawal from alcohol in a medically supervised and controlled setting. The second function is to provide a person with an alcohol ability to physically stabilize sufficiently to be able to enter an inpatient or outpatient treatment program. Finally, in some cases, the goal of a low income center is just to get a person stable enough to be able to return home without any immediate physical health risk.
The most basic form of low incomes alcohol rehab center is run by a local government agency or not-for-profit organization that strives to physically stabilize a patient is sufficient to allow for referral to another program. These are free-standing facilities not directly linked to any kind of comprehensive treatment and recovery center.
The other type of low income detox center is one that is part of a comprehensive treatment facility. In such a center, a patient alone can not provide medically supervised detox but then will continue in the system to either an outpatient or residential treatment program.
The period during which a person with an alcohol spends in a detox facility varies. Alcohol detox process can last from a few days to a week. If a person requires alcohol rehab, he needed broader and more comprehensive treatment. A course of treatment after detox can run in a matter of two to three months part-time as an outpatient. A residential treatment Programme can be expanded to about a month.
A common misconception among abusers of alcohol and the general population is that a person does not have abstinence from alcohol. The reality is that a person who abuses are likely to have a physical dependence on the drug. Withdrawal from alcohol is a physically traumatic activities that require appropriate medical supervision.
Natural Cures Alcohol Cravings
Alcoholic cravings can be if left unattended, can lead to chronic addiction with life-threatening consequences for your physical, mental and social health. Therefore, you must treat and prevent alcohol cravings through medication, lifestyle support, counseling and nutritional therapy. Certain herbs materials help soothe and heal alcohol cravings through natural means.
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St. Johns Wort
Extract of St. John’s wort “hypericum perforatrum” flower, act as a common anti-depressant herbal treatment in Europe. St. John’s wort extract elevates serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine levels in depressed people. A study published on the website Oxford journals notes that hypericin, the active ingredient in St. John’s wort, reduces alcohol cravings in laboratory animals. Dr. Amir H. Rezvanis, Research Associate Professor of Psychiatry at University of North Carolina, School of Medicine believe that a strong biological link between depression and alcoholism. Similar to people suffering from depression, people with alcoholic cravings may exhibit low levels of pre-existing brain serotonin, exacerbated by alcohol abuse. Therefore, the antidepressant effects of St. John’s wort have a positive influence on the brake alcoholic cravings.
Milk thistle
Excessive alcohol consumption can affect the healthy functioning of the liver. Milk thistle “Silybum marianum,” a widely cultivated wild herbs in use in traditional medical treatments for over 2000 years, significantly improves liver function in alcoholism liver disease. The dried fruit of milk thistle contains silymarin, a flavonoid complex that helps restore damaged liver cells and counteract the harmful effects of alcohol abuse, called Peace Health website. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center website, milk thistle has been shown to improve liver function in mild cases of alcohol-related liver damage. Milk thistle does not cause any side effects, and a daily dose of about 420 to 600 mg silymarin extract derived from milk thistle can help treat liver dysfunction due to excessive alcohol cravings.
Kudzu “pueraria lobata,” a vine used in traditional Chinese medicine, reduces alcohol cravings in human and animal studies. A clinical study published in the journal Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research demonstrated the effects of kudzu extract on heavy alcohol drinkers. Kudzu working in a variety of ways to reduce alcohol dependence. It contains a wide range of isoflavones, protein and starch, which gives a feeling of fullness and reduce the desire to consume alcohol in large amounts. According to Scott Lukas increases Professor of Psychiatry at McLean Hospital, Massachusetts, puerarin, an active ingredient in kudzu, blood flow to the brain and heart. He postulates that puerarin can also trigger a quick feeling of fullness in alcoholics, and thus reduce their alcohol intake.
Early alcohol withdrawal
Drinking is a social event for some and a dependence on others. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that in 2009, 52 percent of South Africans were regular drinkers. Those who drink alcohol regularly can experience ease withdrawal symptoms the next day. Those who abuse the drug regularly and then stop experience more serious immediate effects. If symptoms do not ease after several days, see a doctor.
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Mild hangover
Your body reacts immediately when it is in alcohol withdrawal. Along with unpleasant experiences body other withdrawal symptoms. Commonly called a hangover, manufactures morning after the body has been exposed to high ethanol, the headaches and irritability. A mild hangover also manifests itself in extreme thirst. According, a person may experience a hangover have body aches, nausea and lack of appetite. Vomiting is also common, which helps rid the body of alcohol in the system. Mild hangover is temporary and can be remedied by getting plenty of sleep and replenishing the body with water.
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome experienced by those who have abused the drug for weeks, months or years, according to Taking alcohol away when the body has become accustomed to it produces immediate physical reactions such as trembling, sweating and fever. A person experiencing early stages of alcohol withdrawal syndrome can experience convulsions and hallucinations. The body becomes weak from fatigue and headaches. A noticeable physical symptom is pale skin. Pain in the chest and abdominal pain are also common reactions. Those who experience these early alcohol withdrawal symptoms should see a doctor.
Delirium Tremens
Medline Plus, delirium tremens is a serious and sudden reaction to alcohol withdrawal. Those who experience delirium tremens can have severe neurological symptoms. A person who has not eaten enough food before drinking alcohol are at risk for developing delirium tremens. Withdrawal state produces symptoms up to seven to 10 days after the last drink. Delirium tremens causes psychological changes such as confusion, disorientation and delirium. The person may experience hallucinations and extreme fear or anxiety. Other alcohol withdrawal symptoms may include sensitivity to light and sound, mood swings and restlessness. If symptoms of delirium tremens continue past the early stage, access to the hospital may be required.
Signs & symptoms of alcohol withdrawal
Alcoholism is among the most widely universal social problems, its effects on a par with poverty and drug abuse. The medical treatment for curing alcoholism consists of causing the body to rid itself of the accumulated toxins caused by alcohol abuse. This is known as alcohol detoxification.
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Withdrawal definition
A body which is deprived of the alcohol in detoxification treatment will crave a ‘daily fix. ” The sudden interruption of the chemicals obtained in the alcoholic ingestion physiological and biological changes the configuration of the body, thus producing the withdrawal signs and symptoms.
Signs of rehab
A person undergoing alcohol detoxification experience nausea, insomnia, headache, anxiety, restlessness, sweating, fever, mood swings and low appetite. Many patients may also undergo personality changes, depression and show emotional instability in the different phases of detox treatment.
The duration of the detox symptoms depends on how long the patient is abusing alcohol. Patients suffering from chronic alcoholism will find it harder to get their body to agree to a complete withdrawal. These symptoms will last anywhere between 1 and 15 days, depending on the severity of chronic alcoholism problem. These withdrawal symptoms will be relatively minor, in a person who has drunk in a relatively shorter time. It will take about 3-5 days for detoxified patient’s body to get back on track after going through withdrawal.
A patient can be treated with anticonvulsants such that some of the withdrawal symptoms are relieved. Detoxification can cause problems like seizures and convulsive fits into a chronic abuser case. Anticonvulsants thus used in detox treatment. Other drugs used so that the patient does not have to suffer much while undergoing the sudden deprivation of alcohol include disulfiram (also known as Antabuse), methadone, naltrexone and Subutex.
Alcohol detoxification should be done under medical supervision, because sudden withdrawal can produce physiological complications that need immediate treatment. Careful monitoring of the patient and the controlled administration of medication are required, such that withdrawal symptoms are not invalidated– or even in some advanced cases, fatal.
Alcohol detox procedures
Alcohol can be addictive, and when you decide to leave, retirement can be hard. Quitting is a physical and emotional process that includes detoxifying the body. There are several safe and effective ways to accomplish this detoxification.
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Withdrawal symptoms
Symptoms of withdrawal can vary, depending on how long and how strong alcoholic’ve used. Common symptoms include headaches, jitters, anxiety, increased heart rate, nausea and upset stomach and possible panic attacks. More serious yet less common side effects include: hallucinations, seizures and delirium tremors.
detoxification medicine
According to the National Institutes of Health’s inpatient sometimes the best course of an alcoholic. Medical treatment that many doctors and psychologists recommend, can aid in recovery by reducing the likelihood of attack or other life-threatening problems brought on by tilbagetrækning.Benzodiazepiner is considered the best medicine to treat an alcoholic withdrawal symptoms, according to the journal South African Family Physician. Drugs in this class, such as Ativan, can not stay in the user’s system for a long time, making them effective for withdrawal symptoms lasting days or weeks.
Some herbs can reduce alcohol cravings and promote detoxification. According, herb Angelica especially can help reduce the craving for alcohol and may even cause a distaste for it. This herb has antihistamine properties, which can help alcoholics who have high histamine. The herb St. John’s wort or hypericum, has been used for years as a natural anti-depressant. St. John’s wort can also help with symptoms of vomiting and nausea.
Continued detoxification
One of the most important elements in alcohol detoxification therapy is. As recovery continues, patients are expected to have bouts of depression, anxiety, craving for alcohol and even obsessions. Being able to communicate these feelings and thoughts in a safe environment, either through therapy, either inpatient or outpatient, or with a Programme such as Alcoholics Anonymous, is essential.
Patient alcohol withdrawal
Most people undergoing alcohol detoxification can be treated safely as outpatients. Only an estimated 10% to 20% require hospitalization programs. While some patients may take prescribed medication, others prefer natural treatments to help support the process.
Withdrawal symptoms often relate proportionately to the amount and the duration of the patient drinking habit. It is recommended that you undergo an assessment of possible withdrawal symptoms before embarking on an ambulatory (outpatient) program.
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withdrawal assessment
Many hospitals rely on the clinical Institute withdrawal assessment for alcohol (CIWA-Ar), a 10-item assessment tool used to predict the severity of alcohol withdrawal syndrome in patients. It also identifies some medicine that may be necessary for them while going through a detoxification program. Score of eight points or less indicate mild withdrawal, nine to 15 are considered moderate and score greater than 15 indicates severe symptoms and an increased risk of DT and seizures.
Withdrawal symptoms
Withdrawal from alcohol usually lasts 48 to 72 hours. Less withdrawal symptoms may include headache, tremor, anxiety, gastrointestinal discomfort, palpitations, and anorexia. These last generally from six to 12 hours. Hallucinations (visual, auditory or sensory) and delirium may occur, most often in patients with histories of acute medical illness, abnormal liver function, excessive alcohol consumption or a history of delirium tremens (DT) or withdrawal seizures. Hypertension and a low-grade fever may also accompany detoxification process. Seizures are most common in patients who have a history of previous alcohol detoxification attempts.
Outpatient (outpatient) Detox
Most patients with mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms can be treated safely and effectively outside of a clinical setting as outpatients. Doctors will often prescribe medications that are non-reactive with alcohol during the detoxification process to help ease withdrawal symptoms, but you may prefer to detox naturally. Consult your doctor before taking any herbal treatments associated with prescription drugs.
Keeping well hydrated is imperative during the detoxification process, so keep plenty of fresh water, diluted juice, tea, soups and broths available. Stomach upset is common, is important to have food on hand that are easy to keep and consume. Malnutrition often accompanies them prone to alcoholism, so replacement of vitamins and minerals are necessary and can help ease detox symptoms.
Mega-doses of vitamin C (5,000 to 10,000 grams daily), accompanied by a high-potency multiple vitamin, can help replace missing nutrients. More vitamins from whole food concentrates are much more easily assimilated by the body, so check your health food store for a good supplement.
Doctors prescribe often Valium to help with sleep disorders and anxiety under expenditure, but Valerian root is a natural, mild substitute for Valium that can help ease symptoms. Eat small meals to keep your energy and glucose levels up, avoid processed foods and items high in sugar and fat. Herbal teas such as ginger, chamomile, licorice and peppermint can help gastronomic disorders, as well as small snacks like apple sauce, chicken broth and oatmeal.
Alcohol detox for the liver
The liver performs several vital body functions, including detoxify the body and filtration of blood. The liver filters 1.4 L of blood per minute. Alcohol can damage the liver and prevent it to be able to properly detoxify your body. Detoxify the body of drugs and alcohol can last for a period of 24-36 hours. During this time, a patient can exhibit many symptoms of alcohol withdraw. These pulls can be treated in several ways to relieve symptoms and aid in connection with detoxifying.
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Diet aid in the detoxification process. Many alcoholics are deficient in essential vitamins and minerals that promote a healthy liver, such as vitamin B complex, zinc, selenium, vitamin E and vitamin B-12th Other vitals nutrients that help detox is CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid, lecithin, choline and the same. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day is also crucial to detox to flush the body and prevent dehydration.
Herbal Treatments
Several herbal treatments can be used to treat alcohol withdrawal and detox. Burdock root, turmeric, milk thistle and dandelion are supplements to cleanse the liver and improve its function.
There are more than 150 prescription drugs for the treatment of detox and its symptoms. Several different types of drugs can be tested to provide relief of severe symptoms. The four types of detox drugs are benzodiazepines (tranquilizers such as Valium or diazepam), adrenergic drugs, anti-seizure drugs (eg., Carbamazepine or divalproex sodium) and anti-psychotic drugs. Beta-blockers may also be used to relieve alcohol withdrawal.
Other useful tips for rehab
Maintain a healthy, natural diet is important for detoxing the body. Make sure to get plenty of rest, fresh air and moderate exercise. The longer the drug or alcohol is in your system, the more body produces cravings for toxin. Drinking lemon juice and water can also help detoxify the body.
Alcohol rehab with Librium
Coming to terms with an alcohol addiction is no easy task. Detoxify your body and go through withdrawal is difficult steps that can be made easier with medical intervention. Chlordiazepoxide prescription can be given to the patient to help ease the symptoms associated with the sudden stop use of alcohol.
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Chlordiazepoxide (Librium hydrochloride) comes in capsule form and taken orally by the prescribing doctor’s instructions. The drug works by increasing your brain naturally soothing agent GABA (gamma – aminobutyric acid). GABA, certain signals in the brain to slow down or stop, creates a tranquilizing, sedative effect. It is classified as a benzodiazepine and helps reduce anxiety, stop the attack, relax muscles and create a sleepy or drowsy feeling. Because of these effects, Librium be useful in controlling some of the symptoms associated with withdrawal from alcohol.
Withdrawal symptoms
Alcohol detoxification and withdrawal symptoms can range from uncomfortable to life-threatening depending on the severity of your alcohol addiction. Symptoms of withdrawal can be mild as a slight tremor, depression, clamminess, anxiety and cravings. More severe symptoms include nausea, vomiting, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), seizures and DT (or delirium tremens, which include hallucinations, agitation and confusion). Librium may be prescribed for short-term treatment can help patients with withdrawal symptoms like shaking, agitation and DT.
The use of the balance of elderly or disabled patients should be closely monitored. The dosage should be maintained at the smallest amount possible to avoid over-sedating the patient. Some patients have reported opposite reactions to medications including intense anger, stimulation and excitement. If you have a known hypersensitivity to chlordiazepoxide HCl, you should not take Librium. Be sure to tell your doctor before beginning treatment if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant as Librium should be avoided during pregnancy.
Adverse reactions
Adverse reactions at the same time the equilibrium include constipation, nausea, confusion, drowsiness, skin eruptions, swelling, menstrual irregularities, changes in libido and occasional jaundice and hepatic dysfunction. You should be aware that the balance may impair your ability to drive or operate machinery. By means of the like with medicine or when drinking alcohol possible to depress the central nervous system. Chlordiazepoxide is classified as a controlled substance and may pose a risk of being addictive. It is generally prescribed for short-term treatment only.
If you drink alcohol while the balance, you will be at increased risk of side effects such as slower breathing and pulse, passing out, hypotension (low blood pressure), drowsiness, dizziness, unusual thoughts or behavior, memory problems and problems with coordination. If you take Librium to help you through the payment process, you should not drink alcohol.
Alcohol Detox Tips
Alcohol detox is the process by which the body frees itself from the toxins that are associated with alcohol abuse. The period during which the body purges alcohol called acute detox, and during this time, your body has to break his physical dependence on alcohol. Psychological dependence on alcohol is broken during acute detox and subsequent rehabilitation.
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Do Detox at home?
It is possible that withdrawal from alcohol at home with appropriate support. Alcohol detox involves both physical symptoms and an almost uncontrollable mental craving for alcohol. Therefore, to detox at home, you should be under the care of a person who can handle and manage the symptoms of withdrawal, a person who can prevent you from harming yourself, and someone who can ensure that you can not access alcohol withdrawal period. After the expiry of acute detox, you generally must attend meetings and / or find another form of support to overcome the mental addiction.
In-patient rehabilitation is generally expensive and requires an average of six weeks of living in the residence at a detox center. However, you will be monitored 24 hours a day in acute rehab period and therapy options and support meetings will be available on the site.
What to expect
Within the 12 – to 24 hours after your last drink, you begin to experience symptoms of withdrawal. The first symptoms are simply irritability, craving alcohol, anorexia (inability to eat), nausea and insomnia. After about 24 hours, you can begin to have auditory, visual and tactile hallucinations. The auditory and tactile hallucinations usually stop after 48 to 72 hours, but the visual hallucinations can continue and peak about 5 days after you start detox. You can also begin to experience seizures, tremors, convulsions, hypertension, delirium and fever anywhere from 48 to 72 hours after detox. For patients with severe alcoholism peak symptoms usually after five days. In general, taking acute detox usually anywhere from 3 to 7 days depending on the extent of your addiction …
Drugs for the convenience
Certain drugs can help to make the detox process less painful by reducing symptoms. These drugs include benzadiazeine, beta-Blockers, carbamazepine, haloperiodl, phenytonin and clonidine.
Alcohol detox methods
An article published in the journal South African Family Physician, indicating that alcohol withdrawal symptoms range from minor, such as insomnia and tremors, to severe, like seizures and delirium tremens (DT). It is possible that withdrawal from alcohol dependence, safely and efficiently. Depending on your addiction, you may detoxify your system in an outpatient treatment program. But if you’ve been drinking consistently, four or more days a week, for more than one or two years, detoxing without medical supervision could have disastrous results.
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Detoxification facility
There are two kinds of detox facilities.
Inpatient detox requires that you commit to about seven days of residential treatment. There, a team of medical professionals monitor you around the clock. This is recommended for patients in the Phase III category of alcohol withdrawal. In
outpatient detox, suitable for patients in phase I and II, with the support of your family doctor, you can detox at home and participate in a daily rehabilitation facility for group therapy.
Inpatient Detox
Even if your symptoms do not start until about 72 hours after your last drink, the degree of withdrawal be intense and possibly life threatening. DTS is a form of psychosis, which has a 2 percent mortality. Other symptoms include seizures, severe depression and suicidal thoughts. On a desktop detox facility, doctors can monitor your heart rate, blood pressure and mood and treat your symptoms as they appear. This is the safest treatment option if you are at risk of having dangerous withdrawal symptoms.
Outpatient Detox
Outpatient alcohol detoxification is becoming more and more popular. Doctors from the University of Tennessee College of Medicine in Chattanooga found that for patients in Phase I the withdrawal, a category in which 90 percent of alcoholics fall, or Phase II, which is characterized by a little more serious symptoms, they can successfully detox at home by using a supportive friend or family member who can monitor their progress. Withdrawal symptoms begin within 24 to 48 hours after your last drink. You may also feel depressed and anxious. To participate in a treatment Programme during the day will give you the necessary for sobriety emotional support.
For those in stages I, II and III of alcohol withdrawal, prescribe Doctors usually
benzodiazepines such as
clonazepam or
lorazepam, to help ease symptoms. Known as drug substitution therapy, use these medications to reduce anxiety, cause sedation and relaxation, minimize vibrations and brake cravings. In a study published in 2005, found researchers at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, the urge was one of the leading causes of recurrent drug relapse. Hope behind drug substitution therapy is that by minimizing your cravings for alcohol, you are less likely to start drinking again.
What to expect after alcohol detox
Alcohol detox can be an intense process that lasted several weeks. Afterwards there are many new issues to face. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare in advance for the recovery process.
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Learning new coping mechanisms
In many cases, used alcohol as a coping and support mechanism. Individuals in recovery must learn new ways to deal with life, including making tough decisions to avoid people, places and things that lead to recurrent difficulties. Learn new mechanisms for coping with stress is crucial to have a successful recovery.
To make amends
To make amends is ninth and one of the main steps in 12-step recovery program. This is part of the process that helps begin healing relationships and dealing with the guilt that often surfaces after cloud of addiction is gone.
The need for support
Finding a support group fills a great void for many alcoholics. It helps to provide a reliable network of partners and friends who are in all phases of the recovery process. It can also help individuals to remember what it was like to be addicted and to begin detox and recovery process again, helping to steer them away from relapsing.
healthier lifestyle
The benefits of not having alcohol dependence include improved relations with loved ones, better performance, deeper connection to inner feelings and peace of mind. Many alcoholics who come out of addiction argue that even the worst day sober is better than the best day in the process of addiction.
Potential for relapsing
Nearly 10 million South Africans suffer from alcohol dependency. Over a four-year period following treatment is about 90% of those who seek treatment likely to experience at least one relapse.
Healthy diet to overcome alcoholism
Alcoholics get about half their calories from alcohol, and they fail normally eat properly during their addiction. When an alcoholic enter treatment to eliminate their alcohol intake, they are facing many nutritional challenges. It is possible that they may have developed other conditions such as hypertension, obesity, malnutrition and symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea. Addressing dietary concerns immediately by eliminating alcoholic dietary concerns and adding a healthy alcoholism recovery diet will give an alcoholic a better chance of recovering.
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Alcoholic Dietary concerns
As an alcoholic begins to change his alcohol intake to overcome his alcoholism, he will be advised on alcoholic dietary concerns. For example, the caffeine in coffee is often abused by alcoholics in their alcoholism and their alcoholism recovery diet. During their alcohol addiction they probably used coffee as a counterweight to alcohol and they can then use coffee as a crutch during the Restoration. Too much coffee during recovery may cause the patient to become irritable and create a reason for her to relapse with alcohol. Eliminate or reduce caffeine intake straight away during the recovery phase.
Other alcoholic dietary concerns include the poor eating habits of alcoholics during their addiction. In most cases replace alcoholics a well balanced diet with practical food choices — fast food and junk food — that is loaded with harmful fats, salts and sugars. Eliminate any fast food, soft drinks, fried foods and sweets as a general rule, when you create a proper alcoholism recovery diet. It may be necessary to apply a rule that forces the recovering alcoholic to eat only at home – cooked food.
Alcoholism recovery diet
The effects of alcohol on the body especially the liver — — are considerable. Generous alcohol inhibits the ability of the liver to store fat soluble vitamins as A, D and E. Most alcoholics are also lacking in calcium, folate, magnesium, and thiamine more essential vitamins and nutrients. Because this affects all systems of the body, including the immune system, become alcoholics sicker easier than the general population.
Start an alcoholism recovery diet by eating vegetables with crispy green, red and orange color as pepper, spinach, broccoli and carrots and fruits such as oranges and grapefruits. This combination will increase the level of vitamin C and antioxidants in the body. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
Increase your intake of protein — four to five ounces — per day through the low-fat meats like chicken, turkey and fish. In addition, eat three ounces of whole grains a day and avoid refined or white flour products.
To increase your level of magnesium and zinc, eat a serving of beans, sesame seeds, lemons, eggs, pumpkin seeds or lean steak per. day.
Alcohol Facts & Fiction
Alcohol has been used by humans for thousands of years, and by now we have a pretty good idea of what its use entails. Despite that surrounds many myths alcohol, mostly committed by those who do not know any better or who want to ignore alcohol’s effects on their body. When you drink it pays to know the facts about alcohol and to separate them from the half-truths and fallacies.
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Fact: Alcohol creates the same effects regardless of the drink
Alcohol is in many drinks, from light beer to margaritas to 100-proof whiskey. In all cases, the body is affected by alcohol itself, not any other ingredients. Some people think that beer and wine are safer than hard drinks alcohol, but that’s only because they contain less alcohol than hard liquor (they also contain ingredients that slow absorption process). In general, a bottle of beer contains the same amount of alcohol as a glass of wine, which contains the same amount of alcohol as a shot of whiskey or hard liquor.
Fiction: Coffee will sober you up
The only way to really sober up is for the body to process alcohol out of your system, which takes time (ca..015 blood alcohol per hour). Coffee reached its status as a hangover cure because caffeine produces heightened alertness for a period, but it is not the same as sobering. The same applies to cold showers and burnt toast. None of them increases the rate at which your body processes alcohol and thus none of them help you sober.
Fact: Alcohol affects the body quickly
Alcohol absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucous membrane in the stomach and intestines, and from there passes quickly to the rest of the body. You can begin to feel the effects of alcohol almost immediately after taking it, especially if your stomach is empty or you down a lot of alcohol quickly. Conversely, it takes time for your liver and other organs to process the alcohol out of your body. It takes about an hour for each drink you have consumed.
Fiction: Alcohol causes alcoholism
There is a difference between alcohol abuse – repeatedly drink more than one unit and alcoholism. The former is dangerous, but lacks the physical dependence on alcohol, as many alcoholics possess. Alcoholic tendencies is probably caused by a combination of biological factors, emotional trauma and social conditions, which vary from individual to individual. If the alcohol itself was the primary cause, would then anyone who had a drink be a risk of alcoholism.
Fact: Weight and gender play a role in alcohol consumption
Because blood alcohol distributes evenly through the body, a person with a smaller body mass will be more affected by the same amount of alcohol than someone with a higher body mass. It takes more alcohol to get a 200-pound person drunk than it does a 150-pound person. Women who have higher levels of body fat on average than men, do not treat alcohol as quickly and thus take longer to sober up.