Addiction is a condition,
not a weakness

What forms of treatment are out there?

The type of treatment you have the most help on, depends on many things, what drug you are addicted, the degree and duration of the abuse and your willingness to break with abuse. Since it is easy to fall back to an abuse, it is often necessary to follow-up after detoxification in the form of talk therapy, either in self-help groups or with a therapist. The rehabilitation Programme will depend on which drugs you abuse, duration of abuse and many other personal factors.

Substances that suppress the central nervous system

Mild withdrawal symptoms include symptoms such as restlessness, anxiety and agitation, trouble sleeping and sweating. More serious withdrawal signs include hallucinations, tremors, seizures, dehydration (too little fluid in the body) and weakness. Severe withdrawal sudden strong confusion (delirium) can be life threatening. Reducing the dose gradually with drugs may often be the best way to get out of the abuse on.

Substances that stimulate the central nervous system

The most common withdrawal symptoms in this group are depression, feelings of weakness, anxiety and a strong craving for drugs. In some cases, the cravings become so strong that it triggers the suicide attempts, paranoia and psychosis. Support during weaning from friends and family, and any medication from your doctor to psycho tendon or blues, are important measures of de-escalation.


Withdrawal of this type of abuse can vary over a wide range – everything from runny nose, increased sweating, insomnia, depression, the body goes on high gear (high heart rate and blood pressure, rapid pulse, tremors), abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea as well as bone and muscle pain. In some cases, your doctor may print the drugs that these withdrawals will not be too powerful, but the rules for this practice is very strict. There are also centres where methadone is given to registered addicts to try to cut down the abuse.

How to prevent substance abuse

One of the most important thing is communication. Talk with your doctor. Having problems with keeping the dosage of medicines printed, you should discuss this with your doctor. There is a greater chance that you together can do something about the problem, than that you should try to cover up with tinkering, luring and lies.

The same applies between youth and adults. Parents should talk to their kids about drug abuse and the dangers associated with it. The adults need to listen to their children and be supportive in difficult situations, such as to resist peer pressure. It is also very important that the adults should lead by example and not even abusing either alcohol or drugs. Children of parents who have a let tvindt dealings with drugs, are more likely to develop an abuse. All in all, the strong bond and mutual respect between parents and children is an important preventive measures against drug abuse.

What can you do to remain drug free after detoxification

It is easy to slip back to old habits and old environment after detoxification. Do not let the heavy detoxification period be to no avail.

There are many treatment centres to gets ome help.

Consultants and Counsellors

You can get support and encouragement from substance addiction professionals, not just from friends and family. Both employees of social welfare and health care providers can also help you with addiction related problems.


There are a number of treatment programs for you and possibly your loved ones, some in the form of regular consultations, and some in the form of treatment where you entered the institutions.

Self-help groups.

These groups are usually based on the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program (there are similar groups for other drug abuse as well), and where you meet people in the same situation as yourself.

Working your way out of an entrenched addiction may be a long and difficult path. It may not be easy but it’s worth it.

Despite the fact that there are many who want to help you, a heavy share of the burden still resting on your shoulders.

Do not give up, a better life awaits you!

Common Types Of Drug Addiction