Alcoholism or any addiction is a most debilitating disease, illness or whatever you want to call it. For those that have such a problem it takes great courage from the sufferer to take that first step and to succeed in the fight against it.

The steps to take in combating the problem of alcoholism are fairly uniform for all addictions. Focusing on alcoholism, the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) formulated the 12 Step Programme in the mid to late 1930’s (date uncertain). It consists of 12 Steps to recovery and 12 traditions. Most fellowships that help addicts fight against addictions follow the 12 Step Program.

One of the first most important steps to overcoming alcoholism is one’s own realization, admittance and honesty of having the problem of addiction. Without being able to be in complete agreement with yourself about these issues you will not be able to combat the problem.

Some people will not face the issue because of embarrassment caused to themselves, family, friends and most likely the workplace. Only when the person realizes the problem can work begin on recovery.

There are many fellowships such as Houghton House, other drug rehabilitation centers, various church groups that will help those battling addiction. These organizations assist in the recovery of a person in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual sense. Those that work in the rehabilitation field will counsel addicts and family on how to proceed and what pitfalls may be expected in the period of recovery and afterwards. Many of the people that give counselling themselves are recovered addicts; they know exactly what addicts and family are going through.

Another important aid in the recovery is a good support group around the addict. A support group that consists of friends and family that may be called upon in times of an addicts need. Those who are willing to spend time, give care and patience.

Your local general practitioner would be able to put you on the right path to finding a suitable rehabilitation center or support group or your local church group could advise you. For help with overcoming addiction visit

Nobody’s saying that alcoholism isn’t a serious illness, it really is. But the first step to dealing with it is to accept that you have a problem. This is the first step in the famed 12 steps of addiction. You will need to address the issues in your life that might have fuelled your alcohol addiction, whether it is familial issues like abandonment issues or resentment, or whether it’s work stress or whatever the case may be. These are only a few of the things you can do to start treating and overcoming your addiction.

It is possible to enjoy a life free of alcohol addiction – millions of other people do it every day, and you too can lead an alcohol free existence and enjoy the many benefits of not having to live by the bottle.

One of the first and most important of all steps to overcoming alcoholism is the admitting of having a serious problem. This will form the basis of your recovery and you can’t hope to beat the illness unless you make this concession and admittance.  You won’t be able to combat these issues unless you are strikingly honest in your estimation about it.

There are many reasons why people will not want to face this truth about themselves. This can include being embarrassed about having this problem, or being afraid to show weakness or appearing to be weak. However, only when you admit your problem will you be able to seek the proper remedial action for it.

When your family member admits to having a problem, it is only the first step that is needed. Following will be one of the most difficult things that they and you will have to do in your life. The road to recovery will be long and won’t be easy, but there are millions of people who do it every day and who make the decision to embrace sobriety, so it is by no means impossible.

When choosing to start the road to recovery, choose a legitimate recovery house that will be ale to walk the road with you and help you achieve your sobriety goals.