All substance and behaviour treatment facilities and support groups focus on stopping unhealthy self-medication, changing disruptive behaviour and preventing relapses. However, they do differ in many aspects, and our personal requirements also differ. Though there are many different strategies available, it can be difficult to find a suitable solution for your specific needs. Reliable, unbiased advice centres are scarce, but they do exist and can help you in your quest.
Call us for advice
Contact us for advice about the suitability and availability of treatment services. We can point you in the right direction.
The diversity of treatment services
The treatment services available for resolving substance and behaviour problems cover mutual-support groups, government entities, medical hospitals, private consulting services and proprietary treatment facilities. Each of these can be subdivided by the types of discomfort they focus on, the methods used, location, affordability, level of amenities, privacy, security, institutional policies and other considerations.
The diversity of humanity
As human beings, our personal characteristics, as well as our environments and resources, differ widely. To find a treatment solution that fulfills all our needs, can be difficult. Advice, information and lay opinions abound, but it can be confusing and frustrating to convert all the random information about the types of treatment services, and our own priorities, into a sensible decision before committing to a specific option.
Good advice about treatment services
Fortunately, there are philanthropic resources that can help you with reliable advice about substance and behaviour treatment options that fit your specific needs. The best way is to contact these sources directly, usually by phone, and to have a personal discussion about your specific circumstances with them. Even if you are not in a crisis situation, early access to information is never wasted.
Treatment advisory services
We often assume that all behaviour treatment services are the same, but they differ significantly. Support groups are convenient and economical, but have limitations. Medical care is required for physical recovery, but medication can have long-term impacts. Government institutions may be efficient or not, depending on the organisational dynamics.
Psychological therapy, in private consulting rooms or rehabilitation centres, involves significantly different treatment approaches. Rehabilitation centre amenities range from basic to luxury levels. They offer in-house and out-patient courses. They may be far away or close to home. Some facilitate relationship counseling as part of the program.
In milder cases, people can recover with the help of support groups or outpatient treatment. When this is not possible, social services or some rehabilitation centres can assist with interventions to get the patient into treatment with minimal damage to their careers.
Usually, the cost of treatment should not be a deterrent, as the cost of maintaining the problem always outweighs the cost of treatment, including costs not measurable in monetary terms. However, some are obliged to find frugal solutions, which is still good, as any rescue effort is better than none and may well work for them.
At the other end of the economic scale, high profile figures may prioritise executive facilities to maintain their responsibilities during in-house treatment.
Finding the best solution is not easy. Complete, up-to-date databases about treatment services are scarce. Most institutions tend to promote their own interests. Acquaintances also feel obliged to air their lay views, but congenial advice often conflicts with reality.
When we need help, we are often in a state of despair. At such times, we need people with real skills, networking resources and the will to help, so that we can benefit from calm, professional and reliable guidance in the moment of crisis. If you are in mid-crisis, or anticipate a need for reliable advice in the future, you should look for good referral or placement sources as soon as possible.
Make the first call
Deciding on – and finding – the best solution for your circumstances can be very daunting, especially when you are under pressure. Phone us to discuss your personal situation. We can discreetly help you to find the most suitable options for your needs. Together we can do it.
Disclaimer: Information about health issues provided on public platforms is aimed at a broad public audience. Individuals are required to obtain personal advice for their specific circumstances from a qualified health professional.