Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation in Sercor Park

Drug addiction can be a complicated disease that could involve practically every element of a persons performance within the family unit, in the office and education, as well as in the local community. While many clinics will incorporate very similar therapy programs, you should take the time to think about your course of action.


Substance Addiction Rehabilitation

Beyond sobriety, recovery is an constant mechanisms for discovering, developing, as well as healing: emotionally, in physical form, and building of support.

Primary Care Rehab in Sercor Park

A in-patient drug rehab really is a controlled living setting in which the person remains within the treatment facility during their entire detox.

More About Inpatient

Secondary Care Treatment in Sercor Park

Out-patient – This management frequently features frequently planned counselling sessions a couple of times each week. Nevertheless for the most part the patient is rehabilitated to enough of an extent to stay away from the clinic for prolonged durations.

More About Secondary Treatment

Halfway House Rehab in Sercor Park

A good halfway house substance addiction treatment facility often is intended to assist people who have not been successful with other solutions. The long-stay half-way homes permit sufferers to prolong their stay in a structured clean living surroundings for prolonged time frames.

More About Halfway Houses

Substance Abuse Interventions in Sercor Park

If you have got a family member of friend in denial about the seriousness of his or her addiction and in what way it impacts the family unit, phone us today regarding intervention help. We will connect you to a qualified interventionist who will visit you to get an in-person intervention or that could do an intervention over the phone.

More About Crisis Intervention

Alcohol Abuse in Sercor Park

Irresponsible drinking happens when the consumer sets out looking for alcoholic drinks compulsively and is constantly drinks the substance even though we have seen side effects on their lifestyles, including issues with family members, career or the judicial system. A medical professional will help you finding guidance to services in your town for help with an alcohol problems.

More About Alcohol Abuse

Drug Rehab in Sercor Park

Well known indications of drug abuse. You’ve developed a long-term tolerance to the drug. You may use much more of the drug to achieve similar effects which you would once accomplish with smaller dosages. You take substances in order to prevent or ease substance withdrawals. Drug treatment or often just drug rehab or simply rehab is usually a phrase for any techniques of medical or psychotherapeutic treatment solutions, for reliance upon physically and / or psychologically addictive chemicals, prescription drugs & street drugs which include crack cocaine, opiates or amphetamines.

More About Drug Abuse

Treatment Principles

  • Absolutely no single therapy is appropriate for every person.
  • Counseling-individual and group and various other personality treatments would be the most commonly used forms of drug treatment.
  • Prescription medications are an important aspect of treatment plans for numerous individuals, specially when combined with therapy as well as other attitudinal treatment options.
  • Many drug or alcohol abusing individuals also have other psychological issues.
  • Therapy doesn’t need to be voluntary to be able to work.
More About Foundations

Qualified Addiction Counsellor in Sercor Park & Strand in Cape Town

Addiction Rehab Facilities in Sercor Park (Strand)

The residential Sercor Park treatment clinic provides secure and safe residence in an up-market halfway-house with resident counsellors that cater directly to recovering patients for alcohol, crack, cocaine, opioids, cannabis, methamphetamine related addictions. This is a 24 (hour) rehabilitation support facility with experienced staff who understand exactly where you are coming from.

Selecting the Right Rehabilitation Recovery
Finding the right recovery centre isn’t as straight forward as thumbing through a internet & landing on any recovery center displayed with little thought under ideal recovery facilities, nor is finding the best rehabilitation center going to be as easy as looking around to find the best recovery service for the cost.
Addiction Rehab Centers Cape Town