Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Ntongela

Enter a alcohol & drug therapy in the Ntongela recovery clinic which offers support regardless of your circumstances. The treatment programs are also offered to family members and friends and to individuals in need. We’ve served a large number of individuals affected by alcohol addiction turn it around.


Substance Addiction Treatment

Rehabilitation from an addiction to drugs or addiction to alcohol is much more than simply getting treatment inside of a addiction rehab clinic or abstaining from narcotic or alcohol based consumption.

Residential Treatment Centre in Ntongela

A primary facility drug rehab is a managed living environment wherein the person stays in the rehab facility throughout his or her entire treatment.

More About Primary Care

Out Patient Treatment in Ntongela

Out-patient – This kind of treatment Programme often features routinely planned addiction counselling appointments once or twice per week. However for fundamentally the greater part the person is recovered to enough of a degree to remain away from the care centre for expanded time frames.

More About Extended Care

Halfway House Rehab in Ntongela

By way of a long-term rehab clinic, patients will discover ways to develop normal interactions as well as live an existence without having addiction to drugs and / or alcohol. The long-term recovery clinics enable sufferers to increase their stay within a structured living environment for a longer periods.

More About Halfway House

Addiction Interventions in Ntongela

Substance addiction intervention services aims to help the family of a drug addict and to encourage the individual into looking into specialist treatment for their drug dependency. The intervention is done using a group of friends and family and/or close contacts preferably employing a experienced intervention specialist.

More About Family Intervention

Abusive Drinking in Ntongela

In accordance with the known records on dependency on alcohol, between 8 & 9 % of men and women in South Africa already have some kind of issues with alcohol. Having access to the right information in Ntongela could make the world of difference.

More About Alcoholism

Drug Addiction in Ntongela

Abusing drugs, also referred to as drug abuse, is known as a routine intake of a chemical substance which the consumer uses the chemical substance in volumes or with means which might be dangerous to themselves or other persons. The precise root of addiction is impossible to know as there is not just one lead factor. Relapse Prevention features inexpensive drug rehab facilities in Ntongela, that delivers dedicated attention along with the love, care & treatment in alcohol and drug free therapy centre.

More About Substance Abuse

Our Treatment Clinic in Ntongela (KwaZulu-Natal)

Our alcohol and drug rehab in Ntongela treatment centre provides secure & safe residence in home-like environment with full-time staff counsellors that manage substance use disorders for alcohol and drug related dependence disorders. Ntongela features highly competitive rates as a private treatment centre, and maintains one of the best tertiary programmes in the industry.

Treatment PrinciplesServices Offered in NtongelaGetting Started
  • Treatment options really should be easily available.
  • Advising-individual and group and additional personality therapies are the most frequently used forms of drug treatment.
  • A particular affected individuals treatment solution and also support regimen has to be examined often or fine-tuned as required to make sure that it satisfies their changing requirements.
  • Medically assisted detoxification is only the initial stage of dependency therapy and by itself does little to improve long-term drug abuse.
  • Proper treatment doesn’t need to be voluntary to be effective.
  • Extensive Assessment
  • Pre Treatment Programme Counselling
  • Treatment alternatives Prep
  • Ongoing Treatment Group Counseling (post treatment)
  • Going forward Personal Treatment
  • Ntongela Interventions
How to Find the Best Rehabilitation Clinic
Our organization’s website is specialized in helping people to choose alcohol and drugs detox programs together with primary care treatment centres South Africa. As well as any kind of alcohol or drug service which bases treatment off the twelve step principals as an element of the care process.
Registered Addictions Counsellor Ntongela (KwaZulu-Natal)
Get help from registered counsellors in KwaZulu-Natal prescribe a sustained recovery-based lifestyle for individuals struggling with substance use disorders. We cannot reiterate the importance of professional counsellor meetings to people that are seeking sober lifestyle. Please be aware that personal one-on-one outpatient care is not suited to everyone suffering with an addiction. Alcoholics & drug addicts are individuals & one-size solutions do not suit all issues. Private residential treatment programmes exponentially fast-track the recovery process.

Some of the most prominent and more costly addiction treatment services in SA have some of the lowest recovery success rates in the industry. Our alcohol and drug rehab in Ntongela treatment centre provides safe & secure residence in a homely environment with resident counsellors that manage recovering patients for drug and alcohol related addictions. Ntongela maintains highly competitive admission rates as a key private treatment centre, and has one of the best secondary and tertiary programmes on the market.