Someone who has an eating disorder, is obsessed with food. This obsession can manifest in a number of different formats. A person that eats too much, other disorders where individuals eat too little. Binge eating and the other is extreme food intakes are also common in eating disorders.
Eating disorders in some people try to get the excess spending at ingested calories by extreme sports, vomiting or using laxatives.
The addiction to eating habits are hard to break. It can control your whole life. In addition, eating disorders are an assault on the mental and physical health.
Several disorders and their dangers
There are various kind of eating disorders. One tends to food addiction; addiction to the food agent. The other is a disorder in the handling of food in combination with weight and appearance; people are afraid of being fat. All this falls under the heading of ‘eating disorder’ and the most common forms are:
Anorexia and Bulimia
When someone has anorexia nervosa, they want / he lose weight as much as possible. This is achieved by excessive exercise, eat as little as possible and to use laxatives and / or diuretics. Someone suffering from the eating disorder Bulimia Nervosa often has big binges. During a binge, they cram themselves full with a large amount of food in a short time. Because they do not arrive on the other hand they have to compensate the intake of all this food by vomiting.
Both cases cause fatigue, constantly feeling cold as a result of malnutrition, the absence of menstruation which can result in permanent infertility long term, osteoporosis makes you feel pain in your bones and prone to fractures, dry scaly skin and more pimples, potassium deficiency in the blood causing risk of heart kidney and liver complaints arise, gastro-intestinal problems, and irreversible damage to the intestines. In addition, deteriorating by eating unhealthy or too little your mood and you will probably depressed and anxious. You get irritated faster, you can concentrate bad and can change your personality. You go your separate from your surroundings. Bulimia has an additional negative effect, namely harm pharynx mouth and teeth by the aggressive gastric acid that is released during vomiting.
Binge Eating Disorder and Compulsive overeating
A binge eating disorder or Binge Eating Disorder (BED) appears to be broadly in Bulimia Nervosa. There is one important difference: clients with Bulimia trying to get the food lost after the binge clients with binge eating disorder do not. Then there’s the eating disorder Compulsive Overeating, meaning “compulsive overeating.” This disorder appears again on BED, however Compulsive overeating when you do not have cravings, but you eat throughout the day. So you eat a lot quieter, but throughout the day seen it (too) much. So, this is more than a food addiction an eating disorder.
People with BED and the Compulsive overeating disorder suffer greatly from guilt and shame. They may be sad, irritable and anxious for the future. They often suffer from concentration problems and it is therefore difficult to watch long, or listen to a story that tells someone. BED and Compulsive overeating lead in most cases to weight gain and obesity. By obesity, many people suffer from physical symptoms such as joint pain, back pain, fatigue, rapid sweating and poor sleep. Additionally, obesity a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and makes the food for many bad teeth. Because they are social situations out of the way, loneliness can arise and that needs to be constantly bought food, there are financial problems may arise.
Causes of Eating Disorders
Eating disorders usually caused by a combination of psychological, social and biological factors. It is assumed that the Western thinness ideal has an impact on the occurrence of anorexia and bulimia. Also, self-esteem, desire for perfectionism and traumatic events of the past play a role in the onset of an eating disorder. The eating disorder is like the solution to not feeling pain, anger and / or sadness. In addition, some may have nowhere to have control over the feeling; an eating disorder is something she can still have control over.