Sejwetla Rehabilitation Clinic

Sadly there will not be any quick fix answers to substance abuse. There are many types of alcohol & drug advisory services in Sejwetla (Alexandra) to help you stop alcohol consumption and or using drugs, and many of these have little to do with religious beliefs. Our help centre is situated in Sejwetla, Alexandra in Johannesburg, our treatment facilities give a sheltered, progressive, compassionate and supportive environment.


Drug Rehab in Sejwetla

Narcotic dependency is considered the human body’s biological demand, or dependency, towards a narcotic substance. You’ll find therefore practically no difference between dependency & addiction. In the long run, this specific dependence creates actual physical destruction, behavior concerns, and relationships with individuals that likewise take illegal drugs. Before any person might make the right choice for his or her drug dependency rehab, she or he needs to recognize what kind of therapy the most beneficial rehabs offer.

More About Substance Abuse

Abusive Alcohol Consumption in Sejwetla

Abusive drinking is the primary addiction condition in South Africa and the world. Alcohol is culturally supported, as a result it frequently can make it harder for the person or the family to discover whether it is actually an addiction concern.

About Alcohol Abuse

Addiction Interventions in Sejwetla

Our well trained and skilled interventionists may be the glue that holds the entire intervention plan in unison. A much more focused tactic can often be necessary. You need to include other people and take action with a proper intervention.

Read More About Interventions

Addiction Rehabilitation in Sejwetla

More than staying sober, rehabilitation is an continuous method for training, cultivating, and healing: in your mind, in physical form, and building of support.

More On Planned Intervention

In-Patient Rehabilitation in Sejwetla

A in-patient drug rehab is usually a managed living environment from where the patient will stay within a rehabilitation clinic throughout their whole detox and routine rectification treatment.

More Details Primary Care

Out Patient Recovery Centre in Sejwetla

Out-patient – This sort of treatment plan often consists of routinely planned addiction counselling meetings a couple of times a week. However for the most part the individual is recovered enough to be on their own and away from the clinic for expanded periods.

More About Secondary Care

Long-term Treatment in Sejwetla

An effective extended-stay substance addiction rehabilitation centre is generally used to help people who have not prevailed with other solutions.

More About Halfway House

If you are afflicted with alcohol or drug related addiction, you are not on your own. It’s estimated that a one million people in S.A. are also battling a substance abuse issue. Stopping the routines of substance abuse is never out of reach, no matter how impossible your personal situation seems.

Professional Addiction Counsellors in Sejwetla (Alexandra)
Top addiction recovery experts in Alexandra assist in an on going recovery lifestyle for people with substance use disorders. Addiction support services are available to anybody in Alexandra & give autonomous support structure which is most often covered by medical aid and run by the professionals in addiction recovery. Please also note that personal addiction therapy on an outpatient basis is not ideal for all individuals struggling with an addiction. The addiction field can be much more complex than arriving at counselling group.

Only expert counsellor knowledge of the initial break & addiction treatment programme will allow the patient to leverage from a corrective recovery-based lifestyle. The residential Sejwetla treatment centre provides secure & safe residence in an up-market halfway-house with full-time staff counsellors that deal directly to recovering patients of alcohol, crack, cocaine, opioids, dagga, methamphetamine related dependence disorders. This clinic is a 24hour support rehab with experienced staff who understand what it’s like.