Methamphetamine dependence is rapidly becoming a worldwide epidemic. Methamphetamine, alias meth, which includes crystal meth, tik, tiktik and other versions of the drug, is an extremely addictive stimulus for the central nervous system. Meth produces an intense rush upon ingestion and creates a false sense of well-being and hyperactivity. It is a synthetic substance that comes in the form of a white odourless powder. Methamphetamines are produced from ephedrine, hydrobromic acid and a mixture of other toxic chemicals, such as may include battery acid, drain cleaner or detergent.
Meth systematically destroys the body and mind. Many tik / meth abusers undergo complete physical transformation, which includes rapid ageing and deterioration of skin and teeth. Abuse of the drug can lead to a psychotic condition called “tweaking” where users experience loss of identity and detachment from reality.
Signs of tik independence
- Loss of appetite and weight loss
- Loss of personal hygiene
- Insomnia and inconsistent sleep patterns
- Hyperactivity
- Paranoia or hallucinations
- Irritability and mood swings
- Aggressive or violent tendencies
- Sweats exaggerated
- Undertaking repetitive tasks
- Psychosis, paranoia, hallucinations and delusions
- Serious weight loss and malnutrition
- Full decay or loss of teeth
- Hypertension
- Heart problems, such as cardiac arrhythmias
- Brain Damage
- Schizophrenia
- Speech Problems
- Fatal kidney or lung disease
- Sudden death caused by a stroke or cardiac arrest
Treatment of meth dependence consists of two main elements:
Medical Detoxification (Detox)
Crystal meth is a stimulant that does not require any particular detox medication. A client will generally “go down” for several days during the stabilisation period, where they need to rest a lot and receive proper nutrition. Critical patients may 24-hour supervision of doctors and carers, overseen by the leading detox specialist throughout the period. Our medical team will, if necessary, administer medicines to remedy the withdrawal symptoms that can cause discomfort.
If the client develops a drug-induced psychosis, an anti-psychotic medication will be prescribed to relieve the symptoms – for at least a period of one month, depending on the condition of the client.
Psychological treatment
In order for a person to derive from metaphetamine dependence, the psychological effects are often more serious than physical addiction. Clients tend to experience strong lusts, depression, turmoil and anxiety, as well as a relapse of any underlying psychiatric disorders that may have been masked by drug abuse. It is important to be treated in the right environment with experienced professionals.
At Relapse Prevention we have developed a specialised treatment model to handle these symptoms. Patients are treated using a combination of culturally sensitive fact-based counselling and therapy techniques tailored to their personal needs.
This includes counselling based on techniques, cognitive behavioural therapy, mind mapping and mindfulness meditation. Using these treatment methods, our experienced dependency counsellors will help clients provide the tools they need to lead a sober life by teaching them to recognise their personal triggers, building their own contraception plan, overcoming the drug and avoiding relapse.
The therapy is combined with holistic exercise, nutritional diet plan, health and well-being training and fitness and massage therapy to ensure physical and mental health. Post-treatment counselling, relapse prevention programs, and sober time-coaching are also included in the program.