Substance Addiction Recovery in Canelands

Enter a alcohol & drug therapy within the Canelands recovery clinic that provides help no matter what the individual’s problems.

The goal is to deliver premium quality, comprehensive medical treatment solutions to individuals experiencing issues with addiction.


Addiction Treatment

Substance addiction can’t be remedied, nevertheless it can be addressed. Obtaining the aid of a specialist that deals with addiction to be a treatable disorder is the first step to a sustained recovery.

Primary Facility Rehabilitation in Canelands

This form of rehab necessitates living inside the clinic in which you happen to be getting your treatment program.

More About Inpatient

Out Patient Rehabilitation in Canelands

These particular solutions include going to a treatment facility or maybe a hospital for even more structured treatment or as required, having access to medical resources or psychiatric care. Nevertheless for the most part the individual is rehabilitated to enough of a degree to remain away from the clinic for expanded intervals.

More About Secondary Care

Long Term Rehab in Canelands

Long lasting drug and alcohol rehabilitation can provide solutions where the individual will stay for over ninety days. The long-stay halfway houses enable patients to increase their stay with a structured living surroundings for longer durations.

More About Tertiary Clinics

Addiction Interventions in Canelands

Our own highly trained and seasoned interventionists are the glue that holds the whole intervention process together. A very concentrated solution is commonly necessary. You will possibly need to involve others and take action through the proper intervention.

More About Crisis Intervention

Alcohol Abuse in Canelands

Alcoholism stands out as the biggest addiction problem in South Africa. Alcoholic drinks is socially well-accepted, so it usually causes it to be more difficult for the person and even the family to determine whether it is actually an addiction matter. Your health care provider can help you finding guidance to expert services in the area for advice about an alcohol problems.

More About Alcoholism

Drug Rehab in Canelands

Drugs dependency can be the bodies physiological desire, or addiction, for the drug agent. You have therefore basically no distinction between dependence and addiction. Over the long-term, this particular dependence creates physiological destruction, behavior pattern concerns, as well as connection to individuals who also take detrimental drugs. Our quest is to present you with cost-effective, personal combined with professional support rebuilding absent balance of the mind and the body to individuals with drug problems and other associated disorders.

More About Substance Abuse

Our Rehabilitation Clinic in Canelands

The Canelands treatment clinic provides safe & secure accommodation in an upmarket halfway-house with resident counsellors that manage patients of alcohol, cocaine, crack, opioids, cannabis, methamphetamine related disorders. Canelands features competitive rates as a key private treatment centre, and has one of the most successful after-care programmes in the industry.

Addiction Treatment PrinciplesOptions Offered in CanelandsGetting Started
  • Treatment solutions should be readily available.
  • Keeping yourself in active treatment to receive an adequate amount of time is very important.
  • Prescription medications are an essential part of solutions for quite a few people, specifically when put together with sessions and various other behavior strategies.
  • Medically helped detoxification is simply the very first stage of addiction therapy and simply by itself does nothing to improve long-term drugs or alcohol abuse.
  • Alcohol and drug use in treatment ought to be monitored continuously, as relapses in the treatment do occur.
  • In depth Evaluation
  • Pre Treatment Programme Counselling
  • Treatment options Planning
  • Continuing Treatment Group Therapy (post treatment)
  • Continuing Personal Treatment
  • Canelands Interventions
Selecting the Right Rehabilitation Clinic
Our organizations site is focused on aiding individuals to choose alcohol and drugs rehab programs and also residential rehab clinics South Africa. In addition to any form of addiction recovery provider this incorporates any treatment solutions that utilises the twelve step principals within the therapy course.
Substance Addiction Counselling in Canelands (Durban North)
Addiction recovery counsellors in Durban North assist in an on going recovery lifestyle for people with substance use disorders. Professional counsellor run recovery meetings are available to anybody in Durban North and give independent support structure that is highly focused and run by qualified addiction counsellors in the community. Individual counsellors and therapists is not suited to every person struggling with an addiction problem. Drug addicts & alcoholics are individuals & the outpatient treatment does not fit every situation.

Only in-depth understanding of the initial break & the ongoing treatment process will allow the patient to embrace a conclusive ongoing recovery-based lifestyle. The residential Canelands treatment clinic provides safe & secure accommodation in home-like environment with full time counsellors that deal directly to individual therapy for drug & alcohol related addictions. Canelands maintains highly competitive rates as a private treatment centre, and maintains a best in class tertiary programmes in the industry.