Slaterville Rehabilitation Help

For many of us path to a healthful, sober living is about remaining on the road to recovery. In committing into a substance abuse free life-style includes an ongoing process to sobriety. Our help centre is based in Slaterville, Benoni in Southern Africa, our treatment facilities provide a secure, stimulating, compassionate & supportive environment.


Drug Addiction in Slaterville

Accepted indicators of drug dependency. You might have built up a drug tolerance. You may use greater quantities of the drug to experience equivalent effects which you used to receive on smaller amounts. You might be taking drugs and avoid or relieve withdrawals. Drug treatment or frequently just drug rehab or merely “rehab” is a expression for the methods of clinical or psychological and mental treatment options, for reliance upon addictive chemical substances, prescription medications & hard drugs including crack cocaine, heroin or amphetamines.

More About Drug Dependence

Alcohol Abuse in Slaterville

Careless drinking stands out as the largest addiction condition in South Africa. Drinking is culturally accepted, thus it generally making it harder for the user or the family to determine whether it has grown to become an addiction problem.

More About Abusive Drinking

Addiction Interventions in Slaterville

If you have got a family member in denial regarding the severity of his / her addiction and in what way it is affecting your family, contact now for intervention support.

More About Family Intervention

Substance Addiction Rehabilitation in Slaterville

Anyone that is actually in rehabilitation or in search of help the very first time will have to be aware that alcohol and / or drug addiction is a disorder, and not a morale failing or just a weakness of commitment or a lack in the ability to actually say ‘no’.

More On Planned Intervention

Residential Rehabilitation in Slaterville

Primary care treatment rehabilitation will allow you to look closely at your rehabilitation without any temptations & removes you from the settings that could possibly are triggering the alcohol or drug abuse.

More Details Inpatient

Secondary Facility Rehab in Slaterville

Out-patient – This type of treatment Programme often incorporates regularly timetabled counselling consultations maybe once or twice per week. But also for effectively the most part the client is recovered enough to be away from the treatment facility for extended intervals.

More About Extended Care

Halfway House Treatment in Slaterville

An prolonged treatment plan isn’t necessarily the only option for people trying to find help with their harmful addictions, and many factors go into selecting the right recovery strategy for your needs.

More About Tertiary Care Services

If you are afflicted with an addiction, you’re not on your own. It’s estimated that 1 in 3 individuals in S.A. are contending with a substance related dependency issue. Addiction therapy approach identifies the numerous contributing problems that lead to the addiction and uses these factors to structure the patients sustained rehabilitation program.

Addiction Therapist Near Me in Slaterville (Benoni)
The function of counselling services in Benoni prescribe an on going recovery-based lifestyle for individuals struggling with substance use disorders. The meetings are held in several formats but usually entail the conveyance of personal shares & active coping strategies. Sometimes however private addiction counselling is not ideal for all individuals struggling with an addiction disorder. Addiction problems could often be a lot more complicated than attending private therapy with a counsellor meeting.

Substance abuse must be handled like a disorder, a diagnosis and an effective treatment strategy which encompasses all the psychological & physiological relapse prevention strategies. Our alcohol and drug rehab in Slaterville treatment clinic provides safe & secure residence in an up-market halfway-house with resident counsellors that cater directly to patients of alcohol, cocaine, crack, opioids, cannabis, methamphetamine related disorders. Slaterville maintains highly competitive admission rates as a private treatment centre, and boasts a best in class after-care programmes in the industry.