Inanda Treatment Centre

Sadly there is not a universal remedy to full addiction recovery. Our expert staff help people struggling with drug dependency and or alcoholic substance addiction problems to obtain addiction recovery support resources that will best suit their unique situation. We take a overall process to addiction rehab treatment – dealing with the individuals whole existence in connection with alcohol abuse, drinking along with binge addiction & partner with the family unit throughout the treatment plan as far as possible.


Drug Rehab in Inanda

Abusing drugs, often known as substance abuse, can be a routine consumption of a compound which the consumer takes in the narcotic in amounts or with means that can be unhealthy for their bodies or other persons. The actual basis for drug abuse is not possible to understand while there is not merely one direct cause. Just before an individual can make a good choice for his or her drug addiction rehab, he or she needs to be aware of what kind of treatment solutions the most suitable recovery centres provide.

More About Drug Dependence

Alcoholism in Inanda

Scaling down and quitting drinking is generally just the start, and many individuals will might need some degree of assistance to continue to be off alcohol successfully long term. Having help and support – beyond family members, buddies – is important to knowing and defeating the challenges which make an individual consume alcohol.

More About Alcoholism

Substance Abuse Interventions in Inanda

Addiction intervention support tries to help the family of a drug addict and / or persuade the individual into looking into qualified treatment options for his or her substance abuse. The actual intervention is conducted by way of a couple of family and friends and/or close contacts usually having a qualified intervention consultant.

Read More About Planned Intervention

Addiction Rehabilitation in Inanda

Any person who is within rehabilitation or seeking guidance the very first time needs to be aware that substance reliance is acknowledged to be a disorder, and not merely a morale failing or just a weakness of commitment or a deficiency in the capacity to just avoid triggers.

About Interventions

In-Patient Treatment in Inanda

Inpatient therapy permits you to direct attention to your addiction recovery without disruptions & removes the person any circumstances that might have been adding to the drug Or alcohol abuse.

More About Inpatient

Out Patient Rehab in Inanda

These treatments involve going to a treatment centre or even a clinic for even more structured treatment or when asked, ability to access professional medical resources or psychological care. But for effectively the greater part the individual is rehabilitated to enough of a degree to remain away from the clinic for extended intervals.

More About Secondary Treatment

Halfway House Treatment in Inanda

An long term substance addiction treatment facility is generally made to assist with those who have not prevailed with many other options.

More About Tertiary Care Program

If you are under pressure with alcohol or drug related dependency, you’re not the only one. It’s estimated that one out of every three individuals in South Africa are struggling with an addiction. Addiction therapy approach addresses the problems which contribute to the particular addiction and uses this information to structure the client’s sustained recovery program.

Addiction Counsellor Meetings in Inanda (Sandton)
Registered professional addiction counsellors in Sandton assist in a sustained recovery-based lifestyle for people with substance use disorders. We cannot reiterate the importance of personal therapy sessions to individuals that are seeking recovery lifestyle. Sometimes however private addiction counselling is not suited to every person struggling with an addiction disorder. Patients are individuals & traditional “one size fits all” approachers do not deal with the actual drivers of addiction and thus they do not suit all situations.

Most rehab clinics will gladly take on new patients however very few clinics are adept enough at treating full-spectrum recoveries with all cases. The residential Inanda treatment centre provides secure & safe accommodation in an up-market halfway-house with full-time staff counsellors that manage patients for alcohol, cocaine, crack, opioids, cannabis, meth related disorders. This clinic is a round the clock support facility with experienced staff who know what it’s like.