Berea Treatment Clinic

The most effective alcohol & drug addiction recovery clinics found in Johannesburg. Berea alcohol & drug rehabilitation clinics and addiction treatment services can assist you to find the most effective pharmaceutical and behavioural counselling to treat substance abuse problems. Together using research based programs, our residential recovery clinics won’t simply pinpoint the situation; we enhance the client and concentrate on the long term future.


Drug Rehab in Berea

Normal symptoms of substance addiction. You might have established a long-term tolerance to the drug. You need to use greater amounts of the drug to see similar effects which you would once obtain on smaller doses. You are taking substances to halt or lessen substance withdrawals. Our team offers affordable drug treatment clinics in Berea, that offers dedicated care coupled with absolute support, treatment and care in drug and alcohol free rehabilitation centre.

More About Drug Addiction

Abusive Alcohol Consumption in Berea

Alcohol abuse often is the primary addiction problem in Southern Africa. Alcohol consumption is culturally accepted, consequently it sometimes will make it harder for the person as well as the family to ascertain whether or not it has become a habit issue.

About Alcohol Abuse

Substance Abuse Interventions in Berea

If you’ve got a family member in denial about the severity of there addiction and in what way it is affecting the family, e-mail us now for intervention guidance.

More About Crisis Intervention

Addiction Rehabilitation in Berea

More than abstinence, treatment will be an extended method for discovering, building, and also restorative healing: psychologically, in physical form, and spiritually.

About Planned Intervention

Residential Recovery Centre in Berea

A primary care drug & alcohol rehab really is a governed living environment from where the individual remains in the rehab facility throughout his whole detox and routine rectification treatment.

More About Primary Care

Out Patient Recovery Centre in Berea

Out-patient – This particular treatment generally incorporates routinely scheduled addiction counselling meetings a couple of times a week. But for the most part the client is recovered enough to be on their own and away from the clinic for expanded time frames.

More About Extended Care

Long-term Rehab in Berea

Meant for afflicted individuals with complicated recovery circumstances that want more time, typically the process of recovery might involve longer Programme plans or lengths of residency. This will give for more concentrated effort on particular issues, psychometric concerns, relapse prevention and clean lifestyle competencies.

More About Halfway Houses
We provides superior quality, specialist solutions for those people suffering from alcohol dependency and or substance abuse. With time we have now develop into a primary experts in treating and defeating addiction in South Africa. If you are looking for an alcohol or drug dependence recovery guidance in Joburg you are in the right place. Beneath you should find a listing of our accepted treatment clinics in Jo’burg.

Our substance abuse & treatment services are so incredibly successful that all full scale medical aids will handle the complete cost of the treatment. Stopping the cycles of addiction is never out of range, regardless of how desperate your situation seems.

Addiction Counsellors in Berea (Johannesburg)
The addiction counselling services in Johannesburg assist in an on going recovery-based lifestyle for people with substance use disorders. Qualified counsellors are for anybody in Johannesburg and provide autonomous support structure that is operated by affected people in the community. Please be aware that outpatient therapy is not always suited to every person suffering with an addiction problem. Drug addicts & alcoholics are individual people and traditional “one size fits all” approachers do not deal with the actual drivers of addiction and thus they do not fit all situations.

Relatives in the crisis of an active addiction are often unwilling to admit that they have a problem or that they are simply reluctant to seek treatment. The residential Berea treatment centre provides secure and safe accommodation in an upmarket halfway-house with full-time staff counsellors that deal directly to recovering patients for substances like alcohol, crack, cocaine, opioids, dagga, methamphetamine related dependence disorders. Berea features competitive rates as a key private treatment centre, and boasts one of the best outpatient programmes on the recovery market.