Specialists in drug and alcohol addiction (known as Substance Use Disorder or SUD), are qualified health practitioners with advanced knowledge and a focus on physical and psychological recovery from the causes and results of substance disorders. Psychiatrists typically prescribe specialist medication and oversee the treatment of substance-related physical ailments and chemical detoxification. Therapists with extensive experience of substance use disorders, and related comorbidities provide psychological recovery and relapse prevention services tailored to individual requirements.
We can help with substance issues
With our experience and outreach, we can advise you about substance use disorders and refer you to reliable addiction specialists.
Medical recovery from substance addictions
In the medical recovery phase of substance use disorder treatment, consultation with a psychiatrist, who has specialist knowledge of SUD medication, chemical detoxification, and medical afflictions related to substance use issues, is typically required. If detoxification is needed, one should choose a hospital or clinic that provides 24-hour medical supervision and controlled access to prescription medication (if medication is required).
Mental health and recovery
Specialist psychotherapy follows the medical phase. It focuses on personalised, broad-spectrum plans consisting of integrated combinations of modern techniques. It requires in-depth understanding of the patient’s history, environment, social pressures, emotional state and commitment level. It includes intensive activity schedules, as well as monitoring and adjustments to the program during treatment.
Lasting recovery from substance addictions
The third phase of recovery is the controversial long term preservation of sobriety. In specialist psychology this is the follow-through part that cements its efficacy over standard forms of treatment. In contrast to older, traditional, universal or alternative treatment types, it looks at patients’ individual profiles and prepares them for situations and mood changes that pose specific risks for them.
Drug and alcohol specialities
Specialist treatment for alcohol and drug addictions, known as Substance Use Disorder (SUD), involves complex, empirically tested medical and psychological assessments and treatment methods, applied by specialists in the field of SUD. They analyse, design, implement and manage comprehensive treatment plans that take patients through intense physical and mental recovery processes, and prepare them to follow through with evidence-based long-term aftercare plans.
Medical treatment includes examination, laboratory analyses and treatment of physical injuries, illnesses, diseases and nutritional deficiencies, physical pain assessments, and detoxification. In substance addictions it typically requires specialist psychiatric knowledge related to the type of substance the patient used. Patients should opt for a suitably equipped environment with 24-hour surveillance by medical personnel during this phase, as withdrawal symptoms can be unpredictable and may require emergency responses.
Specialist mental assessment and healing is provided by professionally trained therapists with extensive experience of SUD. Specialists are able to assess patients and design multifaceted psychotherapeutic programs and long-term recovery plans. The programs are complex plans consisting of various integrated techniques. It is specifically designed for the individual, in contrast to older, universal types of treatment. Effective preparation for long-term maintenance of sobriety is of special significance, as relapses are one of the major concerns in the field of substance use disorder treatment.
Choosing a rehabilitation facility can be difficult – You may know what substance is involved, but not all the vital details needed to guide you in your search or required by the facility. Selecting the type of treatment and locating a suitable rehab centre can be daunting. On the surface, it may not be obvious, but the amenities, professionalism, requirements, options and specific types of treatment differ significantly. It is usually better to consult an expert with professional knowledge of the industry for referrals to suitable facilities.
Call us for assistance
To resolve a substance use disorder, you have to take action. To achieve that you may need help from experienced, trustworthy sources. Contact us today for discreet advice about substance addiction help . We can also locate appropriate service providers that fit your circumstances or refer you to reliable sources for further assistance.
Disclaimer: Public platforms provide general information for broad audiences. Individuals are required to consult suitably qualified law practitioners and health professionals for personal legal and health advice.