Codependents do not directly indulge in abuse, but protect and enable abusers. They suffer from the consequences, but are unable to change their own behaviour and often unaware of solutions for it.
Alcohol Addiction
A look at the corkscrew of social drinking, abuse, dependency and addiction. A stealthy downward spiral of pleasure, escapism, twisted denial and despair that can be turned around, even when it seems hopeless.
Cocaine Addiction
The energising “tonic” that comprehensively exhausts the abuser. Often wrongly seen as less addictive, it needs unique treatment to avoid repetitive emotional and material devastation.
Dagga Addiction
The addictive reality of cannabis, a drug promoted by delusive opinions that distort scientific and grassroots facts in pursuit of reward that ends in sabotage. The nuances are similar to other addictions.
Recovery Planning
The first step in recovery planning is the treatment program, but the process does not end there. Going forward after treatment without a lifelong recovery plan is like driving into the night, without lights.
Substance Disorders
Unregulated self-medication that leads to self-destruction. The alluring pursuit of short-term “quick fixes” that produce even worse long-term defects can be redirected and managed.
Eating Disorder Treatment
There has been a paradigm shift in defining the triggers, as well as the options, for overcoming bulimia, anorexia and other consuming preoccupations with food, physical appearance and self-value.
Gambling Addiction
A craving for excitement and progressively bigger rewards that surpass desire or need for financial gain, but ends in material ruin and social fallout. More than just a game of chance, it requires specialist treatment.
Heroin Addiction
The delusive flower power of the papaver plant that spoils your appearance, overwhelms the senses and condemns you to the fringes of society. Without professional help, it offers a bouquet of death.
Process Addiction
Compulsive or obsessive activities not involving the taking of mind altering substances such as drugs. It lacks the direct physical impact of toxic substance abuse, but the implications are similar.
Sex Addiction
A relentless, compulsive pursuit of sexual exploits, along with indifference for the feelings of others, usually driven by more than physical enjoyment. It requires specialist, individualised psychotherapy.
Tik Addiction
Tik is a trending “meths” derivative. Abundant availability and a common fallacy about its potent addictive affects render it exceptionally dangerous. It simulates other drug addiction nuances.
Psychiatric Care
Psychotherapy heals emotive roots, rather than just soothing the symptoms. Dynamic treatment facilities offer fresh empirical techniques, surpassing historically redundant and stigmatising approaches.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Irresistible urges to intensely focus on repetitive, irrelevant actions, observations and invasive thoughts, indicate OCD and multiple vulnerabilities. Comorbidities can steal the focus and misdirect the diagnosis.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
PMDD is a depressive disorder, with more intense mood swings, distressed behaviour and physical discomfort than PMS, that occurs prior to and at onset of menstruation. Applied psychotherapy can alleviate it.
Adult Psychiatric Treatment
Adult psychotherapy in the private sector has advanced significantly, but treatment centres do still differ in some respects. Knowledge of the criteria and differences is important when looking for an effective solution.
Treatment Services
A dynamic establishment should present a host of cutting edge treatment protocols and pragmatic accessibility options, backed by extensive personal experience and vigorous research and training.
Help With Depression
Chronic depression saps your energy, hope, and drive, making it very hard to take the corrective steps that will enable you to feel better. Experiencing depression can be very hard, however, there are always steps that you can take that can help you get back to yourself.
Adolescent Teen Rehab Programs
When adolescents require remediation, parents are confronted with exceptionally sensitive considerations. Trustworthy, comprehensive professional guidance is vital in determining suitable arrangements for teenagers.
Detoxification Treatment
Some substance abuse patients require supervised medical detoxification and the admission requirements of such a facility may be an obstacle. This prerequisite is often overlooked in the urgency of the moment.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Also known as dual-pathology treatment, this denotes a mental disorder accompanied by substance abuse. The morbidities may catalyse each other and symptoms can overlap, perplexing the identification of primary influences.
Executive Treatment Centres
Rehabilitation centres differ significantly in terms of management ethos, environmental settings and availability of executive facilities. These values should be evaluated for personal suitability by high profile figures.
Family Impact Groups
The interactive influence of family members covers much more than support for the patient. It has a wide scope, including the material impact of pathology on the family unit and the protection of weaker family members.
Goal Setting Groups
The value of defining goals, accepting responsibility and providing feedback in a group setting can raise commitment levels. Understanding and maintaining personal and mutual concerns determines its strength.
Health and Wellness Groups
Efficient peer platforms for seeking advice, sharing experiences and increasing your education and depth of awareness regarding physical and emotional health concerns can be a surprisingly decisive motivator.
Individual Counselling
Private interaction with a therapist provides a more intense and essential focus on personal sensitivities than that engaged by patients in group context. The frequency of individual sessions is vitally important.
Inpatient Rehab Programs
Inpatient treatment provides a safer, more convenient primary setting and convivial access to peers. A dynamic rehab centre should offer specific specialist programs and inpatient facilities.
Life Skills Groups
Exploring life skills with peers can reveal pragmatic coping mechanisms when facing dire challenges, relationship problems and other instabilities of modern life.
Outpatient Rehab Programs
There are pros and cons applicable when considering out-patient versus in-patient treatment. Outpatient treatment may be a better option when constricted by specific conflicts.
Stress Management Programs
Overwhelmed by stress? You don’t have to be. These stress management tips can help you drastically reduce your stress levels. People can learn to manage stress and lead happier healthier lives.